I blogged on the transgender issue a few months ago and got in big trouble with Jen Burleton over at Transfusion, a transgender advocate blog. Click on the link of you want to read what she told her readers about me and some of my regulars. Anyway, I found a post over at RightWingNews, about a bill making it's way through the Colorado legislature which would in effect make all public restrooms in that state open for anybody to use which ever one they wanted regardless of gender....
A new "transgender nondiscrimination" bill pending in Colorado, which would make it illegal to deny a person access to public accommodations including restrooms and locker rooms based on gender identity or the "perception" of gender identity, is one signature away from being law.
Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter, a Democrat, has one week to sign or veto Senate Bill 200, recently passed by both the House and the Senate. The bill, titled "Expanded Discrimination Prohibitions," holds this definition:
"'Sexual orientation' means a person's orientation toward heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality, or transgender status or another person's perception thereof."
According to the bill, business owners and managers of restaurants, gyms, barber shops, massage parlors, etc., and managers of "public [facilities] of any kind whether indoor or outdoor" cannot deny a person employment or access to a facility based on gender identity or that "perception."
With all due respect and delicacy to Jen and the gals over at Transfusion........this is a load of crap! What do these gender-confused people think, that they live in Hedonism-III or somewhere? You can't just let everybody choose on the fly which bathroom they want to use each time they have to go....which is exactly how this'll turn out. It may not be the intent of the bill but that'll be the result. Remember, Lefties don't care about results, they define themselves by their intentions.
"But Ed", you'll whine, "normal people can use their assigned bathrooms just like always, but this allows people who don't know what gender they are, or who can't decide how they feel about their gender that day to chose which bathroom they'd like to use without anybody hasseling them about it."
Wrong! It allows anybody to use any bathroom they choose, whenever they choose. If there's a lock on the door and it's a single person room, I don't have a problem with coed bathrooms.....see, I'm not the prude you think I am. What about group showers at schools? Or large restrooms at ball parks, concert arenas, meeting halls, etc? Are guys, girls, and inbetweens going to be using the bathroom together....in front of each other? It's the whole "perception" word that makes it completely subjective as to which bathroom you choose that day.
The scary thing is that if the Obamamessiah gets elected President, and the House democrats gain a filibuster-proof majority, and the Senate democrats increase their majority, what's to stop the nutty liberals in Washington from passing all manner of kooky, politically correct laws that change the lives of all Americans? Good grief! High taxes will be the least of our worries.

Ed to point out that European "port-o-lets" have been this way for years only brings creedence to your point of a degenerating country- so I won't do that. I will just say that many European countries have been having Co-ed Restrooms for a while.
See the big difference. Wonder why voyuer is a bad word? French? Bad? get it...
This is just inviting sexual assault, harassment, and other laws such as that to be broken. I for one would rather be able to pee without having a female watch me do it. And people will say, well then use the men's restroom. I tell them, I am! She walked into the mens restroom. Woman Bathroom does not equal Man Bathroom. Women can't pee standing up, which is why the men's bathroom looks the way it does! Homosexuality and Heterosexuality, and transgender stuff should not be an issue. You aren't in the bathroom to have sex, your in the bathroom to pee. You aren't in there to meet people from the opposite sex. You are in there to pee. How can people really be complaining about not getting to pee in the opposite sex's bathroom?
joe, I'm in complete favor of gender-neutral porta-potties. They are for single use and the door can be locked. They're basically the same as a home bathroom....which is coed. My problem is with school locker rooms, community bathrooms in public places like airports, meeting halls, the work place, etc. I don't care if Frank feels like Francis today, and wears a dress and heels to work, he should still use the men's restroom until he has gender reassignment surgery and can no longer pee standing up. Then "he" can use the chick room.
Frank or Francis, if he has a penis, its the men's restroom for him.
I referenced port-o-potties, but was actually referring to all public restrooms. Most are coed in Euro-world
joe, you're telling me that in high-school gymnasiums, factories, public buildings, concert and sports venues, in Europe, men and women use the same toilets? So you go to a soccer match, get up to use the bathroom, and as you stand with 20 other guys at the urinals, and women are standing immediately behind you waiting in line to use the toilets....essentially watching you take a leak? You're telling me that men and women at universities share locker room facilities/showers? You're saying that in large multi-person facilities where collective peeing takes place, they are not gender specific.....anybody can walk in and use the toilets? What if a woman wants to use a urinal---or better yet, do the women use the bidets in the same room where men meander around looking for a urinal to use?
I have a hard time believing that.....even from the kooky Europeans. If the facility has an actual door that can be locked and it is designed for one person to use, then I have no problem with that.
Only multisex restrooms I saw when there were street side multi-user public facilities
Nice brief and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you for your information.
in this crazy world we can't define the meaning of this two words, all is totally insane I mean boys want to be girls, girls want to be boys, and the what that hell is that thing? a women that looks like a man PREGNANT???
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