Last night on the news, Brit Hume tossed her name into the hat for the next justice on the Supreme Court. I about fell off the couch. As detestable and loathsome as Hillary's politics are, the damage she does as a senator can be mitigated by veto, partisan compromise, or legislative defeat. As a Supreme, her radical liberal agenda will cause the Court to lurch dramatically to the Left and her wretched socialist legacy will haunt our childrens' children. I can't imagine a worse pick. She'd be far worse than RBGinsberg. The republicans are going to lose bigtime in both the House and Senate. If the Obama-messiah wins the WhiteHouse, he'll be able to install any nutjob he wants onto the bench. Everybody knows that's what Ginsberg, Breyer, and Souter are waiting for. I prefer a Hillary presidency to a Justice Hillary.

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