John McCain made an appearance on The View(why, I have no idea) and answered a question about judges, explaining to the half-witted audience that he would appoint strict Constitutionalist judges who interpret laws by keeping true to the original framers intent, and not by legislating from the bench. Here's raving, pseudo-informed racist Whoopi Goldberg's utterly stupid comment to that answer....
"Should I be worried about being a slave, about being returned to slavery because certain things happened in the Constitution that you had to change."
J.Mac actually and stupidly praised her for making a good point. And the retards in the audience applauded and cheered. Seriously, daytime-TV audiences are the women on whose vote even Bill Clinton could always rely, despite the high probability that he was a serial rapist. Half of the studio audience believe, and at least half of the women slouching on the couch at home in an inebriated stupor, probably believe now that if a republican were elected President, there might be a chance of returning all black people to slave status.
And to think, these idiots' votes count just as much as yours.
Actually the Constitution would consider the slaves citizens. Until the 1860's we weren't upholding the constitution, or at least the Bill of Rights.
Whoopie peaked in the movie "Soap Dish". It's been downhill ever since. Brain transplant...what a brilliant idea!
Actually we were legally bound NOT to address the issue of slavery until about 1820. It was thought this issue was so big it would have destroyed the U.S. to consider it any sooner. I've got some source info around here somewhere, I'll try to find it.
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