Always vigilant, reader David pointed out that Great Britain is plunging headlong toward certain Muslim occupation by adopting Sharia Law in certain cities where unassimilated Muslims insist on practicing their singularly backward religion. As it stands now, in our once great Mother Country, a gang of blood-thirsty, Islamic savages can gang-rape and then stone a girl to death, just because she "asked for it", and not be convicted of any crime, as long as the Sharia court rules that it was justified under Sharia Law.
Then today, we hear that the college at Yorkshire has
renamed the traditional Christmas and Easter breaks in a bid to avoid offending students from other religions(read Muslim students).
The college's new calendar shows that both of the traditional holiday periods have now been re-branded as 'end of term breaks'.From the
Notice that the articles describing the preposterousness of radical Muslims never describes the exact religion that is the basis for their barbaric and ridiculous behavior as being Islam. They're called "Asians" or "other religions" or " ethnic students", but never Muslims.

Islamic Rage Boy predictably agrees with the British, that Sharia Law be adopted as the basis for British society.
Umm... does anyone realize that the whole reason that there is a break in the winter is because of Christmas?
Not the Muslims. And apparently the Brits fear they'll burn down London if they don't get their way. What a bunch of spineless, Limey lapdogs! I'm ashamed to have part of my ancestry there.
The culmination of Christians v Muslims is approaching. The outcome is unknown but it does look good for the Christians right now.
Christians vs Muslims has happened before. We invaded, and got destroyed. This time they will try and invade us, and probably win because the people in the government are spineless wimps who think that the Muslims will be willing to just talk it out.
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