Everybody's heard the odd names the Palin's gave their kids...Track, Trig, Bristol, Willow, and Piper. It must be an Alaska thing. Anyway, over at
Polit Tsk Tsk Tsk they have a
Sarah Palin baby-name gererator. So you type in your first name and find out what you'd be called if you were born into the Palin family. Mine turned out to be Spine Breeder Palin.
What's a spine breeder? Click the link and see what you would be named if Sarah Palin was your mom.
It appears that the Palin names her kids randomly. According to the generator if my name is Bristol Palin, I would actually be named Quarter Granite Palin. Kind of paradoxical really. My real name would be Slicer Mission Palin. Beat that.
Bullpen Cola Palin... Im pretty sure I take the cake here. Baseball and soda, what could be better?
Axe Diesel Palin. Thats the perfect heavy rocker name. I can see flames shooting from the stage already.
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