Congress getting a taste for the power that comes with nationalization is like a pet dog getting a taste for blood after it's first kill. You might as well put it to sleep because it'll never stop killing after that. It's just too bad that many dumb-assed Americans(read democrat core voters) long for a nanny-State that provides for their each and every need from the cradle to the grave. Americans no longer want the independence and freedom that come with being responsible for themselves. They'd rather trade that freedom and independence for security even if it means the government totally controls their lives.
How suicidally awful it must be to wake up every morning, face yourself in the mirror, and see that you are a worthless, whining degenerate who wants depraved, self-serving men in Washington to treat you like a helpless child, feeding you when and what they want you to be fed, housing you when and where they want you to be housed, employing you when and for how much they want you to be employed, consumimg energy at a rate they determine is best for you, and providing healthcare when and if they want you to get better.
This is the path we're on my friends. The nationalization of vast swaths of the American economy....control that politicians are not likely to give back to the private sector where it belongs, once they feel the heady rush of power that comes with weilding that control.
"I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine."
When I think of the government creeping into and controlling our lives I get an incredible urge to become completely self sufficient.
I keep telling my husband we'll be holed up on Ruby Ridge before long. ;)
I prefer Galt's Gulch personally. More people will be like me there. And the government doesn't know where it is.
Somebody's been reading Atlas Shrugged again.
Too bad we don't have a republican president. He/she would of course have vetoed it immediately.
Excellent point there capt. I'll give you credit for that sage observation, your dripping sarcasm notwithstanding.
Bush represents big-government conservatism(an oxymoron) and any true conservative would have and should have stood back and let the market correct, regardless of how painful. The only problem is the CEO's of these companies need to be in jail, not enjoying their $100million golden parachutes that are earning 20% in the Caribbean.
And some market observers are predicting that the other shoe hasn't even fallen yet, and when it does, it'll be like Black Friday.
I swear if I could afford to go off-grid, I'd seriously consider it.
'Somebody's been reading Atlas Shrugged again.'
...and completely forgot Adam Smith.
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