COLUMBUS, Ohio — A Columbus teenager who was throwing eggs at cars as part of a late-night prank was fatally shot, police said Sunday.
Police said 16-year-old Garrett Burton was with at least one other teenage boy Saturday in the backyard of a home when someone shot him in the head just before 3 a.m. Police have no suspects.
I hate it for the parents of this kid but, then he was sort of asking for it. I'm not saying that using lethal force to address egg throwing is legal or even warranted, just the same as getting eaten by a crocodile isn't warranted just for wading into his pond but, you're sort of asking for it.
When I was a kid I almost got my arse kicked for throwing pine cones at cars. A guy driving a football-field long Pontiac Bonneville stopped his car and gave chase. I was able to escape but some of the slower kids did not. Of course we all got into trouble eventually as they sung like canaries.
Then there was the time my brother and I were driving around in a 1974 bright orange VW Super Beetle in the snow. He was driving as I was too young. A kid threw a snow ball at us and my brother turned the car around and drove back towards the kid with the intent of destroying his pile of snowballs he had in the street. We drove through the pile only to discover a long-handled, square-blade shovel in the pile as well. It flattened the left rear tire. We had to pull over to change the tire right there. The kid ran off but I'm sure he was watching (and laughing) nearby.
Moral: Don't throw S&*t at cars!
Wiser words were never spoken my friend.
At age 7, I got chased for hitting a guy's windshield with a crab-apple. Then at 11, being pretty stupid, my friend and I threw some dirt clods at a building under construction on the college campus across the street. The campus cops showed up and being dumb-asses, we ran. I was pretty fast at 11 and I knew my way around campus so, they had to chase us for a while in and out of buildings and wooded areas.....word of advice.....do NOT run from the cops, EVER. Of course they caught us eventually and threw us in one of the two jail cells they had. Our parents, embarrassed professors of the college, left us there most of that Saturday before springing us at supper time.
That pretty much ended my short, but stellar, career as a juvenile delinquent.
I threw rocks at an old lady's house when I was about 12. That was pretty stupid of me. Luckily she didn't call the cops, but instead told my mother, and the spanking that ensued taught me a valuable lesson: Don't throw rocks at people's houses or else you won't be able to sit for a week. I haven't thrown rocks since.
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