Hello and welcome to the Non-Alaskan part of the world, Mrs. Palin. Glad to have you around. This country needs smart women stepping into leadership positions. Is it better that you are attractive as well? In my book that sure helps, I would rather look and listen to you as a VP than some dreary old white haired button down "Hill" guy, but that's my opinion.
Lets look at the issues:
Your daughter is pregnant. I don't see her as the first 17-year old to give birth, and I haven't seen your parenting guide book on Book Store shelves either. I see a family that has been placed in a unflattering position, and is doing their best to work through it. You are Pro-Life. She will have this child. She and the child's father are planning to get married. Seems like things are moving towards how they should be - a 2 parent family. With the values instilled in them maybe they well turn out to be solid citizens.
Internet comparisons to this incident and John Edwards situation, of which there are many, are all asinine. Edwards cheated on his wife; he broke a marital vow while Elizabeth, his wife, was sick with cancer. He is low and scummy. Bristol, 17 year old daughter of Sarah Palin, had sex with her boyfriend. Not the smartest thing to do, but not the end of the world either. No one was hurt by her acts, no Palin children are suffering through what the Edwards children deal with daily. No hurt "tryster". No tabloid news about "love children" or potential unwanted offspring. In the Palin camp, all is on the table and being dealt with appropriately. Somewhat refreshing not having to get news via the National Enquirer.
Now onto Sarah herself. The Dems will basically leave her be, and unless she stubs her toe, she will remain as such. Gov. Palin has been the Alaskan Governor for about 18 months. That is 18 months more CEO time than Obama and Biden have combined. Prior to her governorship, she was the two term mayor of Wasilla, Alaska. Even more time at the helm of a ship, albeit smaller, but still the captain. Also remember that she is running as the mate not the captain. With her experience, she provides an excellent backup plan and will get better as she is on the job.
Her family is wholesome and modest. This helps the GOP ticket avoid the "ultra rich" label. She is concerned about ordinary citizens, as is proven in her various fights for the people of Alaska. She is married to an Yup'ik Eskimo. The elephants now are catering to minority voters. He is a commercial fisherman and an oilfield worker. Both are noble and solid ways to earn a living but are not prone to get one filthy rich. Laborers unite!
Let's look at the biggest concern of all Americans today - Gas Prices. Mrs. Palin has a working relationship with all the big oil companies and will push for oil exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Preserve - something that is way overdue, the talk on moose matings and snail darters will be back burnered for another day. She is an ethical person. She pushed such a bill through the Alaskan legislature recently. The oil companies all respect her for her business stance and the way she has been making them play ball in her state.
This selection actually showed me something that I felt was missing from the Republican side. We now know that some political skill still exists within the GOP. This decision was kept quite until it was made public. This choice was leaked out Friday to the press, thereby limiting the talk shows to a mere mention of Obama's acceptance speech and also stealing away some prime time lime light. Good for you John McCain. A flair I didn't think you possessed.
All in all, a good solid choice for this years election. Sarah Palin should make us all forget Bill's wife, and hopefully is being prepped for the big chair next time around. I may change my stance, but for now, I think she is a solid backup Qb with little baggage and a fresh face. She is also attractive - oh I said that already.
Now If we can just get to do video on the Naughty Librarian porn site things will be great.
Compare the role model she would/ will be to what Hillary would impress upon our young minds.
If she is elected VP (or especially Prez someday)it would be flippin' hilarious.
Hillary the feminist has her dream ripped away by a real lady.
If McCain wins in November, somebody had better put Hillary on suicide watch because she won't have a Percodan's chance at Farrah Fawcett's house of becoming CiC at that point.
What a great speech this lady delivered last night. Sarchastic, chiding, goading and smiling the whole time. She attacked her opponents, the MTM, and the special interest folks as well. She drew a line in the sand about her family values. Most importantly to me was the way she handled her daughters predicament. Without a word said, just a loving boyfriend/fiancee holding her hand, Bristol was introduced to the world. Issue closed. Find something new to talk about. No mention of the Biden family issues at all.
You're post is too hilarious with your double-talk. Most of what you're saying about the Dems can be said about the Repubs.
You say "I would rather look and listen to you as a VP than some dreary old white haired button down "Hill" guy, but that's my opinion." If Biden is 'some dreary old white haired" guy, shouldn't the same apply to McCain, since after all, McCain is older, and whiter, than Biden?
You say "Edwards cheated on his wife; he broke a marital vow while Elizabeth, his wife, was sick with cancer. He is low and scummy." If Edwards is "low and scummy" for cheating on his wife, shouldn't the same apply to McCain for cheating on his 1st wife (with his current wife)?
You say, about Bristol Palin & boyfriend "With the values instilled in them maybe they well turn out to be solid citizens." Considering those values included performing the anti-Republican pre-marital sex, is that something to be praised? Great Repub hypocrisy "you non-Repubs cannot have pre-marital sex, but we will have it all we want"
You say "In the Palin camp, all is on the table and being dealt with appropriately." But conveniently left out her history with disgraced Senator Ted Stevens (Palin's name is listed on 2003 incorporation papers of the "Ted Stevens Excellence in Public Service, Inc.," a 527 group that could raise unlimited funds from corporate donors.), completely ignore her pork-barreling during the time she was mayor, and the outrageous pork-barrel requests she sent up to the Senator while Governor. Do the research, it's not hard to find. Knowing nothing about her, I was impressed with her speech last week when McCain announced her as his VP choice, but after doing some research, I'm rather bothered by her. We all know politicians lie, but to come out with such convictions on being 'anti-establishment' and anti-pork when she participated willingly really, really bothers me.
Politics as usual - nothing to see here, move along, move along.
MV, have you done research on Obama as well? How about on Biden for that matter? Why don't you give us some insight as to how they might be better than McCain/Palin? I mean, if you intend to vote that way, you should at least want to try and give us reasons to follow suit. I'm not saying your arguments are stupid or anything like that. What I am saying is that you just gave us reasons to not vote for either candidate.
My comments are not at all about how Obama/Biden might, or might not be better than McCain/Palin. If that's how you interpret it, then please re-read it.
I'm simply pointing out the hypocrisy. I would gladly point out the same hypocrisy if this was a liberal blog & the comments were being made in the opposite.
I've no idea how I'm going to vote. In this 'historical' election, I may just not vote for either one.
The more these politicians claim to want to change Washington and what not, it ends up being the same ol' story. Just like playing a broken record over & over again. Dems & Repubs have no one to blame but themselves for my, and others', cynicism.
I vividly remember a conversation with a coworker many, many years ago, before I could vote. He was talking about voting for the lesser of two evils (I don't recall which election). I asked "With something as important as a Presidential election, how can you vote for the lesser of two evils?" I just couldn't comprehend it. Now, many, many years later I find myself struggling with that same question "Who is the lesser of two evils? And can I bring myself to vote in such a manner?" Is that how our politicians want the American people to vote? For the lesser of two evils?
To All,
After an initial crest-o-the-wave SP announcement and my having been caught up in it, I will sit down soon to reconcile the candidates against my values and what I perceive are the "big rocks" for the U.S.
As much as I warmed to the idea of Bush - a guy you'd like to have a beer with (and this never happened) - somehow I think it is unlikely I'll ever get to hunt with SP. She is appealing for a lot of reasons but be careful of the marketing. Don't fall for it without doing YOUR homework.
What are the big rocks? That's what you need to decide. Good luck.
I think as VP, and an inexperienced one at that, she'll have to form her positions as she goes along. But if her positions on things like immigration, foreign policy, Israel, terrorism, taxes, judicial appointments, spending, etc. are anything like what she did as Governor, then I think she'll be at the very least acceptable, and at best, a watershed politician the likes of which most of us haven't seen in our lifetimes....except for Reid.....he's a little long in the tooth.
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