The $8B USD Large Hadron Collider will go online next week, becoming the world's most powerful particle accelerator. It promises answer to some of the universe's most elusive questions. Among these is the nature of the legendary Higgs boson, a particle long theorized but never observed, which is thought to determine how much things weigh. The collider is expected to unlock many other mysteries such as the differences between matter and antimatter.
However, despite its great promise, many people worldwide have protested the construction of the particle accelerator, believing it could end the world. Many are fearful that the collider could spawn black holes, which they worry could devour the Earth.
This is the same lunacy that panicked everybody about Y2K, SkyLab falling, and Al Gore winning the 2000 election....no wait, that was justified panic. Anyway, how cool would it be if they actually formed a black hole that swallowed the Earth? How embarrassing! God would be rolling his eyes and going, "What a bunch of idiots!".
Apparently if a stable black hole is formed, some scientists say it could devour the Earth in as little as 7 minutes. Gee, that's a little disappointing. I would have thought it wouldn't take that long. At any rate, I'll be on the edge of my seat when they fire that thing up. What will you do when they tell you France is gone and you now have 6-1/2 minutes to live? I'll probably just enjoy one last beer and watch some SportsCenter.
The risk is definitely worth the reward here. Learn a ton about the universe, and its unanswered questions, and possible destroy earth, in an incredible fashion i might add, or take no risk, and wonder what might have been. As a science buff, I am glad they plan on opening it.
Thanks for telling me I might only have one more week to live Ed! Now I havent done any research, but I find it hard to imagine a black hole coming out of this thing.
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