So by now you've heard of PETA's ridiculous demand that morons Ben and Jerry use actual human breast milk instead of cow's milk for their overpriced ice-cream. According to PETA, milking cows is harmful and degrading for the cows somehow. But the objectification of women by harvesting thier breast-milk is OK? I swear, calling PETA a bunch of idiots is an insult to idiots.
So, with that in mind, I thought we'd help them out by naming some possible new flavors.
-Udderly Delicious Vanilla
-Casamba Cream Surprise
-Caramel From The Cans
-Cha-Cha Cherry
-Chilled Chesticles Cherry
-Knockers Neopolitan
That's all I've got. See what you can come up with in the comments thread.
Bodacious Banana Split
Ta Ta Tangerine
Heavenly Hooterish (add any flavor)
Jerry's Juggy Filled...
Ben's "Bada-Bing" Black Walnut
Chesty's Cookie N Cream
Pam Anderson Pralines N Cream
I wonder when they will start on KFC. At least there they already have a point. The Hillary Snack: 2 large thighs and 2 small breasts for only $4.99 plus an 80% tax.
I know sick but oh so true
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