The new United States dollar coin is now in circulation. It is a shiny gold coin depicting George Washington and the Statue of Liberty. It does, however, have a very unique distinction. It is the first US coin minted without the words "In God We Trust". To many people this will be overlooked and not even thought about, but I will try my best to refuse to take any as change, etc. , because I feel this is a step, further towards the decline of this once proud nation. Washington was a Deist, but apparently attended church services with Martha regularly. Historians argue if he were a Christian, but none argue that he and the rest of our founding fathers understood that this country was formed because of religious persecution, and by holding to those values, God prominently played apart in their lives, and in their directions for living.
Washington, upon becoming President spoke the following prayer for America:
"Almighty God; We make our earnest prayer that Thou wilt keep the Unites States in thy holy protection; that thou wilt incline the hearts of the citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to the government; and entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another and for their fellow citizens of this country. And finally that thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with charity, humility, and pacific temper of mind which were the characteristics of the divine author of our blessed religion, and without a humble imitation of whose example in these things we can never hope to be a happy nation. grant our supplication, we beseech thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord ---Amen"
On top of the monument honoring this fine man, a man of christian value and principles are the words "Laus Deo". These 2 words say it all... "Praise be to God".
Why the change? and why are we on the path away from the initial intent of our founding fathers?
Good call Reid. I wasn't even aware of this.
This omission is emblematic of the incremental and intentional creep of a Godless utopian society in America in which the Imperial State is the supreme being, that liberal democrats fantasize about.
It's the frog in the boiling pot phenomenon. If you increase the temperature one degree at a time, before lone the frog is cooked and didn't even realize it was happening, and if Godless liberals can erase any and all references to God in our society, one at a time, then we'll hardly notice it until it's too late.
I'd like to hear how the Obamessiah, being the personal lord and savior of liberal democrats, reacts, but somehow I doubt anybody in the MSM will ask, since as fellow humanists, they approve.
reid, why is having the name of God on our money so important? it is like prayer in schools. religious indoctrination should take place at home. and if it were put to the constitutional test, having a statement of faith in God on US currency might violate the establishment clause. besides, if this is all it takes to threaten your faith, then maybe you should attend church more often.
As usual, Anon, you prove you can't read. Reid didn't state anywhere that his faith was threatened. He merely pointed out that this country is sliding towards decay. You see when this country was established it was founded under the guidance, direction and was a banner to God.
By the ay, find the seperation of church and state in the Constitution. FYI, if looks at a panoramic view of Washington from atop the Washinton Monument, he will find that the designer Pierre l'Enfant placed a perfect cross in the city. The Jefferson Memorial is to the south, the White House to the north, the Lincoln Memorial to the west and the capital to the west. Some seperation of church and state HUH ?
I never said there was a constitutional mandate seperating church from state. I said that having currency promote one specific religion, in a supposedly religiously diverse society, might, if examined closely, violate the clause that prevents the State from establishing a religion.
Anon, again your powers of observation are off. I never stated that you said anything, I stated; "by the way find the seperation of church and state in the Constitution". By naming God on the coinage, only points back to the founding fathers beliefs, and I challenge that are sorely being missed now! Naming God doesn't eliminate religous diversity, it justs states a belief. Nothing close to the Church of England, whose beliefs, by the ay, spawned this country. No one says worship this, it is just respect to the foundations of this country and its patriots. People forget that revolutionary war ws also a religious war!
Anon, having "In God we trust" by no means promotes only one religion. It promotes every single religion except no religion at all. Even if it did, it's promoting the exact same thing the founding fathers were when they wrote the constition. The constition is obviously written based on Christian ethics. And when you said that Reid's faith was threatened, perhaps the people who are offended by "In God we trust" should think about how strong THEIR faith is.
I don't really care whether this wording is on the money or not. I'm more concerned with the devaluation of the Dollar. This is happening for many reason one of which is the rejection of our Judeo-Chrisitan values which were reflected in these words. In this context, these words are crucial and the continued, incremental abandonement of these and other values will have us speaking a different language soon and attending churches with a new type of steeple.
God save us!
Wake up you numbskulls!
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