Sunday, August 31, 2008
Natural Disaster = political photo-op
Clearly, Governor Bobby Jindal, Secretary Michael Chertoff, and even Mayor Ray Nagin seem to have the situation well in hand. Evacuations are going smoothly, the National Guard is present in large numbers to protect property from looting and enforce dusk-to-dawn curfews, and relief organizations are poised to leap into action the moment the danger has passed.
Given that, why does the Obamessiah and his faithful lapdog Joe Biden feel the need to be down there causing disruption? Why also do George Bush and Cheney feel the need to be down there causing further problems? That The One and Biden are going certainly explains why McCain will show up somewhere there are cameras but, what can they possibly think they are accomplishing other than posing with relief workers, National Guardsmen, or other VIP's for a photo-op to show America how concerned and personally involved they are.
National politicians don't need to be personally on site and involved with weather relief work. Things will go more smoothly if they stay out of the way and don't distract people from their tasks. Ever since Katrina I guess, no national politician will risk the political costs of not showing up to a natural disaster regardless of the uselessness of being there. Natural disasters happen. That doesn't mean the rest of the country should suspend life in solidarity with those affected. And it doesn't mean politicians should interrupt relief efforts to pose for campaign pictures.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Everybody's jazzed about Palin
Here's #25 to whet your appetite:
By her very existence she puts the lie to numerous liberal mantras, such as the notion that women cannot advance without affirmative action; Republicans are sexist; John McCain is out of touch; anyone who loves Alaska's beauty can't support drilling in ANWR; mothers of troops in harms' way want to cut and run from Iraq; and women need government programs to manage marriage, children and work simultaneously.
See, there are all these positives that will absolutely confound liberals' attempts to smear her or otherwise paint her as somehow undesirable as VP. Her 2 years of executive experience is 2 years more than the Obamessiah or Biden has. What's that you say? Experience in Alaska doesn't count for much as it only has 3 electoral votes? Guess how many electoral votes Biden's state of Delaware has......3. And playing obstruction politics on the Foreign Relations Committee doesn't exactly count for Biden as experience either.
TRR Poll Question
Friday, August 29, 2008
McCain strikes Yukon gold!!!
By selecting Alaska governor Sarah Palin to be his running mate, John McCain has in one brilliant move, yanked the minority rug out from under the Obamessiah, trumped Obama on the female front, made the Obama campaign look like the insider campaign, and energized his otherwise run-of-the-mill campaign.
A few of my thoughts on Sarah Palin:
-Nothing ages a person like the presidency, which means John McCain will be like 103 after 4 years in office. That makes Sarah Palin the odds-on republican to run for the office.
-Hillary must be thinking that she can't buy votes in prison with a hand full of pardons. First the young, black upstart steals what has always been her birthright....the dem nomination. Then Sarah Palin comes along and becomes the nations most prominent female politician, displacing Hillary perilously close to irrelevant status. Hillary had assumed that if J.Mac wins this election and serves one term, it's her turn alone in 4 years to become president....but now she'll have to run against a prettier, younger, and far less corrupt female. Drats, drats, and double drats!!!
-The Obamessiah's handlers must be in a blind panic about how to attack Palin without coming across as bullies. I almost feel sorry for poor Joe Biden for having to debate her once....almost.
-The worst thing the dems can say about Sarah Palin is that she's a hunter and a lifelong NRA member.
-She's already come under attack by the hypocritical MSM for agreeing to tackle the VP job while being the mother of 5. Remember, these are the same people who have told women for 40 years to go out into the workforce, abandon their families for their careers, and reject the traditional notions of the patriarchal society in which men work and women care for families.
-Her credentials for president are stronger already than the Obamessiah himself. She has executive experience.
-When you do a side-by-side between Palin and Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton, Hillary has so much baggage and skeletons by comparison it's ridiculous. And Michelle just comes across as a militant, angry black woman with a huge racial chip on her shoulder. Sarah Palin comes across as a reasonable, rational mother and wife without a lot of issues or axes to grind.
-Many in the MSM seem to already be more excited about Sarah Palin than the Obamessiah.
-I predict women by the tens of thousands, including many feminists, will abandon Obama to vote for John McCain and Sarah Palin. Only Geraldine Ferraro has come this far in American politics.
Bottom line.....I'm jazzed about this election where I wasn't so much yesterday.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
It's Ann Coulter Thursday!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
I Told You.....
Too close to home
What's that you say? Has the Italian Mob found it's way to southern states? Why no, it hasn't. THESE ARE ILLEGAL MEXICAN ALIENS!!!! Right here in my town, 5 illegal aliens were tortured and then massacred by other illegal aliens, police think to make a statement to others not to cross the drug pushers.
"But Ed", you whine, "these kinds of crimes happen all the time among American drug gangs. This isn't an illegal alien problem, it's a drug culture problem."
Wrong you are, ignorant reader. But for the shocking dereliction by what passes for our leaders in Washington, on enforcing the immigration laws, none of these illegal-alien drug gangs would be operating here. Sure, there might be a different gang in their place but, you don't know that. The only fact is this: this gang is here now, selling illicit drugs, and murdering each other and who knows who else? If Bush-43, Clinton, Bush-41, Reagan, Carter, all the way back, had even pretended to care about this immigration problem, the Mexican drug gangs wouldn't feel the freedom to operate here today. And based on the article I read, disappointingly, the deputies who found and arrested the murders didn't shoot them on the spot. Now my tax dollars will go to provide for their defense and an interpreter because they don't speak a lick of English.
No, because our cops are wasting time chasing illegal alien crime, the domestic criminals have less to worry about too. If there were no illegal alien drug gangs, the cops could concentrate on arresting our own criminal gangs. Your argument is as stupid as Geraldo's argument about drunk driving crimes committed by illegal aliens not being an immigration problem but an alcohol abuse problem.
The ad the Messiah doesn't want you to see
You may remember Bill Ayers as one of the leaders of the Weathermen, a.k.a. Weather Underground, a socialist, domestic terrorist group who in the early 70's declared war on the US and instigated riots in Chicago, bombed federal buildings and police precincts, and killed policemen. Ever since, Bill Ayers has bragged about his crimes, exclaiming that he didn't do enough bombing. It was in Bill Ayers suburban Chicago home that BHO made the transition from harmless community organizer to radical liberal politician. Predictably, the Obama campaign goons are trying mightily to suppress this ad, as it sort of makes Obama look pretty bad. They are threatening successfully, any TV network that airs it and trying to use the courts to stop it's dissemination. Even FoxNews has bowed to the will of the Messiah and won't run it. Well, that ban would last about as long at TRR, as a Hostess Twinkie at Rosie O'Donnel's house. We'll keep it up as long as the link remains active.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Prease speak Engrish
Golfweek magazine reported on its Web site Monday that speaking English will be a requirement starting in 2009, with players who have been LPGA members for two years facing suspension if they can’t pass an oral evaluation of English skills.
The tour held a mandatory meeting with South Koreans last Wednesday at the Safeway Classic to inform them of the new policy.
“Hopefully, what we’re talking about is something that will not happen,” deputy commissioner Libba Galloway told Golfweek. “If it does, we wouldn’t just say, ’Come back next year.’ What we would do is work with them on where they fell short, provide them the resources they need, the tutoring ... and when we feel like they need to be evaluated again, we would evaluate.”
There are 121 international players from 26 countries on the LPGA Tour, including 45 players from South Korea.
The ACLU or somebody will protest about this but, the LPGA is a private organization who can make it's own rules. When you have sponsors who, in return for funding events and purses, want access to the athletes for commercials and other endorsements, it's only natural that they would be expected to be able to communicate in English, thier love of Diet Coke, Titleist golf balls, or Massengil Douches.
Critics of the policy will say that it's about American-centrism and that it is a thinly veiled effort to get foreigners out of the sport so more popular and commercially appealing Americans can win. But that's not it. I honestly don't think anybody cares who wins each week on the LPGA as long as they are capable of fulfilling their contractual responsibilities to support the sponsors, and that means doing commercials if asked, make personal appearances, and communicating with potential consumers of sponsor goods.
A Connecticut youth baseball team with a phenomenal 9-year-old pitcher has been disqualified because its team is too good.
The team, Will Power Fitness, has an 8-0 record thanks in large part to pitcher Jericho Scott, the New Haven Register reports. His pitching is so fast and accurate, the Liga Juvenil De Baseball De New Haven asked the team's coach, Wilfred Vidro, to replace him so he wouldn't frighten other players.
“The spirit of the league was community, family, well-being, nurturing," Peter Noble, the league's attorney, told the Register. "It’s an extended family and it’s been disrupted.”
That's right, get rid of accomplishment and performance lest the crummy kids feel inadequate and experience low self-esteem. Just like in the class room where we've banned honors for academic achievement so the dumb kids don't feel so dumb.
In my son's baseball league, we had a kid who at nine, could throw at least as fast as this kid, and nobody wanted to ban him from playing. All the other players just dedicated themselves to becoming better hitters and the whole league improved. But personal accomplishment and improvement aren't what political correctness and liberalism are about. Liberalism is about squashing the achievers and forcing conformation to the lowest common denominator. Nobody will be allowed to be better than the worst of us.
Everybody equal in worthlessness and mediocrity. That's liberals' vision of America. That's democrats' vision of America. And that's Barack Hussein Obama's vision of America.
WHY ??
Monday, August 25, 2008
Liberal kooks reach critical mass in Denver
Over at ConservativeGrapevine, John has a link to Doubleplusundead where you can find all the early images like this one from the Denver protests.
If you are a democrat who's voting for Obama, these verminous, degenerate, soap-averse hippies are your peers. They may be protesting the democrats to get attention, but they'll end up voting for their personal lord and savior, the Obamessiah just the same....just like you will. How embarrassing it must be for you to know that you're sharing a political foxhole with smelly riff-raff who'd rather get high and whine about the unfairness of life than get a frickin' haircut and a job.
Sign, sign, every where a sign.....
LONDON - Pensioners’ groups called for the road sign depicting old people to be scrapped because it is insulting.
Maybe a better sign would be an old guy shaking his fist at kids on his lawn.
This reminds me of the joke my wife and her best friend always make when they see this sign:
They ask, "Does this mean there are a lot of retarded children who live on this street?"
That never fails to crack me up.
Good immigration news......for a change
DALLAS — Illegal immigrants are returning home to Mexico in numbers not seen for decades — and the Mexican government may have to deal with a crush on its social services and lower wages once the immigrants arrive.
"Those numbers have increased percentage-wise tremendously," said Enrique Hubbard, the Mexican consul general in Dallas. "In fact, it's almost 100 percent more this year than it was the previous two years."
The illegal immigrant population in the U.S. has dropped 11 percent since August of last year, according to the Center for Immigration Studies. Its research shows 1.3 million illegal immigrants have returned to their home countries.
"There's no question there's a variety of suggestions that people are in fact returning," said Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies. "Remittances, which is the money immigrants send home to Mexico, have gone down dramatically over the past year. Again, probably part the economy, but also part enforcement, leading to fewer people being here."
Mexican President Felipe Calderon plans to help returning nationals by providing food, medical care and temporary shelter if needed. But reports are already out in Mexico that the large number of illegal immigrants returning home could drive down wages and put pressure on social services — the same concerns many Americans have with illegals living and working in the U.S.
Unemployable vagrants, hostile gang-bangers, drains on social services, hundreds of thousands unassimilated and uneducated, depressed wages......welcome to America Felipe! I'd like to think it would force Mexico to reform their government and get rid of the stifling, rampant corruption but, when everybody in power including the police are totally corrupt, how do you instigate reform? The short answer is you don't. When our economy rebounds and we stop paying attention, like we always do, Mexico's poor will flood back across the unguarded border like they always have, with Calderon's assistance. And we'll ignore it like we always have, until it's too late to do anything about.
According to my title, this was supposed to be a good-news post but, I'm far too cynical to believe that it'll end up the way we'd like it to.
Monday edition of Friday Funny
It ain't braggin' if you can back it up.
My son showed me this video and I told him I would probably start using Bolt's double-finger-point as my hand sign from now on. It's kind of cool, don't you think?
..and then you squeeze... like this
Sunday, August 24, 2008
A democrat steps out of line
Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell was supposed to give “closing remarks” during this afternoon’s Shorenstein Center-sponsored panel discussion with all three Sunday show moderators — NBC’s Tom Brokaw, ABC’s George Stephanopoulous and CBS’s Bob Schieffer — but instead, he opened up a can of worms about bias in 2008 election coverage
"Ladies and gentleman, the coverage of Barack Obama was embarrassing," said Rendell, in the ballroom at Denver's Brown Palace Hotel. "It was embarrassing."
“MSNBC was the official network of the Obama campaign," Rendell said, who called their coverage "absolutely embarrassing."
Chris Matthews, Rendell said, "loses his impartiality when he talks about the Clintons.”
At that point, PBS's Judy Woodruff, who was moderating the moderators event, said: "Why don’t we let Governor Rendell sit down."
Woodruff allowed Brokaw to respond, and in defending the network, he said that Matthews and Keith Olbermann are "not the only voices" on MSNBC.
Of course Brokaw defended the network(after a drink of course), he's one of the worst offenders historically. It must be pretty bad when one of the finalists for the VP slot hammers what would otherwise have been breathless, fawning coverage of himself had he been chosen.
Strange but true. A farmer from Fruita, Colo., thought he was just putting dinner on the table when he picked up an axe and beheaded one of his chickens. What happened next became the stuff of legend: The headless rooster bobbed and weaved back to the henhouse and lived for 18 more months.
The animal, later dubbed Mike and celebrated with a festival, Web sites and various magazine articles, survived because the blade missed his jugular vein and a clot prevented him from bleeding to death. The axe blow landed high enough that most of the chicken's brain stem and one ear remained intact. Mike was fed and watered by inserting an eyedropper directly into his gullet. Sadly, he later choked to death in a motel room.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Not that kind of blessing
Bangladesh police say a crocodile killed and ate a 25-year-old after he waded into a pond next to a shrine in an attempt to receive the animal’s blessing.
The crocodile said a blessing alright, he probably gave thanks for the tasty morsel of man he was about to dine on.
Enough already!
Biden it is!
Biden is also one of McCain's best friends and remarked on a news show a few months back that he'd be honored to run WITH McCain. My wife wondered if, since Obama has such thin skin, maybe he picked Biden partially because he thinks McCain will respect that friendship, and might pull some punches leading up to November. Whatever the reasons for picking him, the mantra of the Obamessiah has been "change". How exactly a senator who cast his 10,000th vote in '99 fit into the whole "change" thing is a mystery to me but, I'm sure The Messiah has a smug, nuanced explanation he can read off the teleprompter.
Friday, August 22, 2008
You will conform!
Burglary: 20
Larceny or Theft: 130
Car Theft: 9
Arson: 4
Illegally operated produce stands: 1
CLAYTON, CA (KGO) -- Two young East Bay girls are trying to find out if you really can fight city hall. The youngsters are battling to get their produce stand back after the city of Clayton shut them down.
The mayor himself is getting involved in this issue; he says the produce stand, operated by two young sisters, had to be shut down because of public safety and a zoning ordinance, and wonders what Katie and Sabrina might do with that produce stand if the zoning laws weren't enforced.
"They may start out with a little card-table and selling a couple of things, but then who is to say what else they have. Is all the produce made there, do they make it themselves? Are they going to have eggs and chickens for sale next," said Manning.
Oh the horror! Eggs and chickens!
Rather than encouraging these girls to experience the thrill of entrepreneurship, hard work, and earning, the pointy-headed mayor is giving them a lesson in government heavy-handedness, arbitrary regulation, and stifling of motivation. How dare they attempt to use the power of capitalism and the free market to earn some ice-cream money? I'll bet if they were donating all their earnings to the mayor's favorite charity, he'd be the first in line for a photo-op with them but, heaven forbid they profit from their efforts, especially without being taxed on it. That'll set a dangerous precedent.
Until they replace their "Fresh Home-Grown Produce" sign with a "Fresh Home-Made Methamphetamine and Crack" sign, don't the cops and the mayor have more pressing problems to solve?
Babies = free money
Watertown(NY) police say an arrest is pending after a woman threatened to blow up Jefferson County’s Department of Social Services building on Arsenal Street.
Police say a young mother of three children, who is pregnant with her fourth child, made the threat after being told she didn’t qualify for the assistance she was seeking.
She's not a mother, she's a broodmare. The article doesn't say why she was denied services but I'm glad she was. If you stop rewarding bad behavior, she'll likely stop behaving badly.
I have long held the belief that if you are an underachieving degenerate and you are receiving free money from taxpayers who are smarter, and make better choices than you, you should be obligated to immediately name the father(s) of your brood so that DSS can force them to pay up. In addition, you must stay off drugs, hold a job or be enrolled in job training classes, but most of all, keep your knees together as long as you have your hand out.
To be fair, if you are an underachieving degenerate male with your hand out, and it is found out that you sired a rug-rat, then your McDonald's wages should be garnished. If you have no wages, then what few possessions you have(the ones you didn't steal) should be seized and sold at auction. If you have no possessions, then you are a criminal for failure to support your family and you should go to jail.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
The liberal's conundrum
Walt Neidlinger spent years trying to keep a Wal-Mart-anchored shopping complex from being built near his Wind Gap home.
The traffic would have been suffocating for their little community, neighbors argued, so when the massive retailer and its partners packed up their plans and left Plainfield Township last year, Neidlinger was ecstatic. He figured he'd wait for the next plan to come along and remembers thinking, ''What could be worse than Wal-Mart?''
Over the past year, Neidlinger says, he's gotten an answer: RPM Recycling -- the metal-shredding plant on the same land -- causes daily noise that sounds like a freight train rumbling down the street, and frequent explosions that shake his walls.
Everybody's got to do their part and sacrifice for the environment, right Walt? Old Walt's property value is probably half of what it would have been if he'd not fought Wal-Mart. There's probably a karmic price for me to pay for taking such pleasure in Walt's pain and frustration but, I just can't help it.
It's Ann Coulter Thursday!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
They're Grrrrreat!
Olympic legend Michael Phelps will appear on boxes of the Kellogg's brand sugar cereal, drawing sharp criticism from health experts worried about the message he'll be sending to children across America.
The childhood obesity epidemic everybody's so upset about isn't because of the food that's available, it's because of the food choices PARENTS make for their kids. Show me a child who ever, ever bought a box of Frosted Flakes with his own money. If you've got a fat, unhealthy kid, it's your own fault, and your fault alone. Michael Phelps earned the right to sponsor any legal product he chooses without meddling do-gooders lecturing him about it. Instead of worrying that your blubbery, lazy child will suddenly want to eat Frosted Flakes because of Phelps's influence, why not kick him off the couch and into the pool instead? Maybe he'll be inspired to swim rather than be inspired to eat Frosted Flakes, and you won't have to worry about what he eats.
Your tax dollars at work
Barring a burst of legislative activity after Labor Day, this group of 535 men and women will have accomplished a rare feat. In two decades of record keeping, no sitting Congress has passed fewer public laws at this point in the session -- 294 so far -- than this one. That's not to say they've been idle. On the flip side, no Congress in the same 20 years has been so prolific when it comes to proposing resolutions -- more than 1,900, according to a tally by the nonpartisan Taxpayers for Common Sense.
With the mostly symbolic measures, Congress has saluted such milestones as the Idaho Potato Commission's 70th anniversary and recognized soil as an "essential natural resource." As legislation on gasoline prices, tax fixes and predatory lending languish, Congress has designated May 5-9 as National Substitute Teacher Recognition Week, and set July 28 as the Day of the American Cowboy.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!
Are you kidding me? That's like exclaiming that you're shocked, shocked to find socialists at the democrat convention....that you're shocked, shocked to find bongs in a head shop, or that you're shocked, shocked to find men in Hollywood who have slept with Paris.
Is there anybody willing to admit that they ever, ever believed in Bigfoot? Who believed these two idiots in the first place? How can they be charged with a hoax when whatever media showed up for their press conference proved they're too stupid too be let outdoors unmedicated, much less reporters....but then again, nobody is too stupid to be a member of the MSM. If Barack Obama can bamboozle half of America into buying his schtick, then I guess the stupidity isn't limited to the press.
Bigfoot! I swear!
Virtual cookie to the first person to name(without Googling it) the reference in the title of this post.
International flavors
I just wanted to take a minute to welcome our friends from across the pond to TRR. I see we have guys from Latvia, Croatia, Germany, UK, Switzerland, and Norway just in the last few hours.("Guys" is a gender-neutral term that applies to gals too) I know the regulars here would love to hear your perspective on current world affairs or whatever we're talking about, so feel free to jump in the fray and offer your two cents worth.
Thanks for stopping by, The Management
Monday, August 18, 2008
Roseanne Barr is a vapid, washed up pig!
Also miss jolie says she likes mccain too and hasn't decided who to endorse....huh? Aren't you supposed to be somewhat enlightened, or do you not know that the african daughter you hold in every picture had parents who suffered and died because of the republican party's worldwide economic assault on africa over the last few decades since reagan?.....Now go back to making your movies about women who love to handle big guns that shoot hundreds of people to death. might be good for your asian and african children's self esteem to know you support a brown man for the leader of the free world.)
What a cretinous tool Roseanne Barr is! To their credit, Brad and Angelina do put their considerable wealth where their mouths are. And you don't generally hear them yammering about issues about which they don't have a clue, the way most vermin in Hollyweird do. The most interesting thing about these two is that they are devoted Ayn Rand fans and there's a rumor going around the web about Angelina playing the role of Dagny Taggert and Brad the role of Hank Rearden in the movie Atlas Shrugged. I only hope they play it straight and don't dilute the objectivist message of the book.
As for Roseanne, she should utilize the rudimentary ganglion she calls a brain to locate the cave she slithered out of and return to the dark recesses of careerless despair and self-loathing she came from.
Hope that clears it up, the management
Movie Review
My recommendation? Spend your $31 on Chinese take-out, a bottle of wine, and some massage oil and enjoy a night at home with your spouse. Maybe, and I mean maybe, spend $4 on pay-per-view in six months. But whatever you do, avoid Tropic Thunder the way Paris Hilton avoids self control, morals, and class.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Traitors or opportunists?
-David Blatt, who played basketball at Princeton, is the Russian head coach.
-J.R. Holden (Bucknell) is the Russian point guard
-Mebrahtom Keflezighi of Eritrea and Khalid Khannouchi of Morocco, now running for the United States.
-Chris Kaman play for Germany.(Chris was born and raised in Pittsburgh
-Becky Hammon, born and raised in South Dakota, accepted money to play in Russia's professional women's basketball league just so she would qualify for their Olympic team. They'll give her $250,000 to win Gold.
-Shawn Redhage of Lincoln, Neb., will play for the Australian men's basketball team.
-Demond Greene of Fort Hood, Texas, plays basketball for Germany,
-In 2004, ex-Mets manager Davey Johnson coached the Netherlands in the Olympics but, this year he'll be coaching the United States.
If an athlete moves to another country to live and work permanently, and becomes a citizen, then I have no problem with them competing for their adopted country in the Olympics. I do have a problem with Americans who have no intention of living, training, working, or becoming citizens of other countries, competing under their flag just so they can make it to the Olympics. Not to the same degree, but I also have a problem with foreign nationals who come to the US to take advantage of scholarships and other opportunities in order to live, train, and go to school, but then with barely a thank-you, go compete in the Olympics for the God-forsaken, third-world hell-hole they call home against the US. If this was a war, those Americans would be traitors, or at the very least, mercenaries. I know it's just sports, but Olympic competition is about serious patriotism and to fight for who ever offers you the most in return is craven opportunism at it's worst. I'll be pulling against any Americans who fight against the US under another flag.
Are these athletes traitors or just mercenary opportunists?
Kobe puts NBC tool in his place
Collinsworth: Where does the patriotism come from inside of you? Historically, what is it?
Kobe: Well, you know it’s just our country, it’s… we believe is the greatest country in the world. It has given us so many great opportunities, and it’s just a sense of pride that you have; that you say ‘You know what? Our country is the best!’
Collinsworth: Is that a ‘cool’ thing to say, in this day and age? That you love your country, and that you’re fighting for the red, white and blue? It seems sort of like a day gone by.
Kobe: No, it’s a cool thing for me to say. I feel great about it, and I’m not ashamed to say it. I mean, this is a tremendous honor.
Collinsworth just got owned. I mean Chris may have been playing devil's advocate a little but, still, Kobe slammed the door on him pretty good. Instead of acting like rich pampered superstars, the men's basketball team has shown in Beijing a remarkable and unexpected level of humility and class. When Kobe, Lebron, and the others showed up to watch Michael Phelps win his 8th gold medal, that was really cool of them.
Hat tip to Msunderestimated.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Economists... Who Needs Them?
Posted by Kevin
A Separate Pieces
This will never last. We've seen this sort of thing dozens of times before. A hastily constructed peace plan designed to allow politicians to look good (and they do, look at the photograph above) while the root causes of the situation are ignored.
From the Associated Press:
“Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Saturday signed the plan for a cease-fire in Georgia that his Georgian counterpart reluctantly agreed to a day earlier, setting the stage for a Russian troop withdrawal after more than a week of warfare.
The cease-fire plan calls for Russian forces to withdraw to the positions they held before the fighting broke out in Georgia's Russian-backed separatist province of South Ossetia. That appears to mean that hundreds of Russian soldiers who had been in South Ossetia previously as peacekeepers will be allowed to return.
The plan also grants Russian forces limited rights to patrol Georgia proper...”
The root cause of this conflict lies in ethnic and cultural differences with a dollop of Russian (and U.S.) cold waresque, geo-political grandstanding on top. All the reams of paper, hand shakes, false smiles and rhetoric will not solve this problem. For some predictions as to how this will play out take a look at the Albania, Kosovo, Serbian, et. al. Melt down, the Arab-Israeli disaster, Belgium, and soon, the fractioning of the United States along the anglo-Hispanic fault line. No, it may not happen tomorrow or even in our lifetimes but the problem is not solved, the tension remains, and it will reemerge.
In order for this situation to be solved, the Abkhazians and Ossetians either need their own autonomous, independent countries or they need to become Russians or Georgians with an e pluribus unum mindset. Anything short of this will provide the global community a lifetime of re-runs while Abkhazia and Ossetia remain separate pieces.
Friday, August 15, 2008
The Ugly American
Posted by Fawn
Bush sends Condi to Georgia today. What can we reasonably expect as an outcome? Nothing. Recently Condi said, "This is not 1968 and the invasion of Czechoslovakia where Russia can threaten a neighbor, occupy a capital, overthrow a government and get away with it," Rice said just hours before leaving for France. "Things have changed." and President Bush said, "My call, of course, is for the territorial integrity of Georgia to be respected and for the cease-fire agreement to be honored."
Can our leaders get any more elusive, any more mealy-mouth, any less supportive? Their apathy is palpable...and disingenuous, dishonest, and for the Georgians, disastrous. The Georgians lost two large chunks of their country...forever!
Here's the Russian translation of Bush and Condi's sentiments – and I paraphrase as my Russian is, well, rusty:
We are unwilling and incapable of intervening at this time. We are virtually leaderless, pre-occupied with our national beauty contest – the Presidential election, and are too busy absorbing our current events from the photographs in People magazine, and awaiting the next season of American Idol to be bothered with supporting or defending a fledgling democracy we helped set-up and have been encouraging for almost 15 years. Please, please don't put us in a tight spot, we are almost out of creative rhetoric and olive branch desk ornament gifts.
The Georgian translation is a little different. For those of you that don't know the Georgian language is unique in the world and not Russian. In fact there is only about a 20% overlap between the two. They don't even use the same alphabet. The Georgian translation:
Ah, sorry. What color blankets do you prefer?
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Now Click your heels Together Three Times...
In a nutshell....
It's Ann Coulter Thursday!
You can go here and read her article.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
The Scientologist's Afterlife
His soul will be "born again into the flesh of another body," as the Scientology Press Office's FAQ puts it. The actual details of how that rebirth occurs are not fully understood by church outsiders, but some core beliefs of Scientology are that every human being is really an immortal spiritual being known as a thetan and that the "meat bodies" we inhabit are merely vessels we shed upon death. (Members of the elite church cadre known as Sea Org, for example, sign contracts that pledge a billion years of service throughout successive lives.)
When a body dies, its thetan forgets the details of the former life, though painful and traumatic images known as engrams remain rooted in its unconscious. In order to move up the path of spiritual progression—known as the Bridge to Total Freedom—one must eradicate these psychic scars, which cause a person to act fearfully and irrationally. Once a Scientologist has purged them through the counseling process known as auditing, he or she is said to be "clear."
Well that explains Tom Cruise's career well as Katie Holmes' dad's desperate attempt to kidnap and deprogram her. Reincarnation, a space-alien overlord named Xenu, and meat bodies. Man, that's some funky religion!
Men are pigs. You knew that when you married him.
A Kentucky college student has hired a lawyer after she was escorted out of a mall by security on Sunday because her dress was deemed too short, MyFOXBoston reports.
According to MyFOXBoston, the guard informed her that several female patrons had complained that she was disrupting their shopping experience because their husbands were “checking her out.”
Isn't this more of a stupid husband problem than a vulgar dress problem? This is the same curious phenomenon as wives blaming the girlfriend when their husband cheats. If your thoughtless, inconsiderate husband doesn't have the self control to be subtle about publically leering at hot chicks, perhaps you should consider leaving him at home to watch the game.....which is what he wanted to do before you guilted him into escorting you to the mall to hold your purse.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
For mature audiences only
OK, I don't care if I ever hear the word "penis" on TRR again. I swear, those Asians will eat anything.
I found this clip over at BelchSpeak via Hotair.
TRR Poll Question
Shame on China!
This is just awful...
BEIJING - A 7-year-old Chinese girl was not good-looking enough for the Olympics opening ceremony, so another little girl with a pixie smile lip-synched "Ode to the Motherland," an official said.
In the latest example of the lengths Beijing took for a perfect start to the Summer Games, a member of China's Politburo asked for the last-minute change to match one girl's face with another's voice, the ceremony's chief music director said in an interview with Beijing Radio.
"The audience will understand that it's in the national interest," Chen Qigang said in a video of the interview posted online Sunday night.
The national interest? It's in the national interest of a country of 1.3Billion people that a 7 year old girl be told she's not cute enough to represent her country? I was shocked they had any girls left unaborted to use as performers.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Flying blows!
We were processing through Albuquerque yesterday so I was stripping for the security ordeal. Albuquerque's in the desert so I used foot powder in my shoes.....bad idea. When I removed my shoes some "white powder" from my socks got on the rug. I thought the stupid lady behind me was going to come unglued(evidently she thought I was carrying anthrax in my shoes). I made eye contact with her and gave her my best you-stupid-moron look while I tried to convince her not to scream bloody murder.
Meanwhile the vigilant TSA folks had spied a suspicious, wheelchair-bound, 80 year old lady and were forcing her to stand in the plexiglass room where everybody in the airport could watch while they humiliated her with various searches. At the same time, a swarthy, middle-eastern male, age 19-26 waltzed through security suffering barely a glance from the distracted TSA authorities. If somebody can explain the logic behind this, I'd love to hear it....and don't give me any racial-profiling BS.
And if I didn't know any better, I'd swear American has shoved their seats a little closer together than the last time I flew. To describe our full flight home as a can of sardines would be gross understatement. The jerks in front kept their seats fully reclined against our knees the entire flight while the jerks behind us kept opening and closing their seat trays for what ever reasons, only God knows.
Finally, are there really enough people allergic to peanuts that they now have to serve miniscule packages of exactly 4 crappy pretzels, on the off-chance that one of the allergic people might be on the plane? I mean seriously, if you're that delicate, TAKE THE FRICKIN' BUS! Airplane peanuts were the last little pleasure of domestic air travel. Now there's nothing to look forward to, unless you count the delicious terminal cuisine. I mean where else can you find a $9 tuna salad half sandwich?
Flying.....I hate it!
Monday edition of Ann Coulter Thursday
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Golf clap for Reid
We're still unpacking, doing laundry, and trying to catch up with two teenagers. What is it about teenagers when you want to have a conversation, they act like they're being interrogated by Stormtroopers? Anyway, New Mexico was fun but we're glad to be home and back to the daily grind. I'll have lots to discuss this week so keep checking in.