OK you government school graduates, pay attention and try to keep up: as you know, the federal government and states tax gasoline sales in the stratospheric range of about 20-cents on the gallon average. The federal government makes about 3 times as much on a gallon of gas as the evil oil companies do. The windfall to the government from this seizure of profits is theoretically used to fund bridge construction, interstate maintenance, and general road-associated infrastructure(a legitimate use of tax dollars).
Now, with gas prices sky-rocketing by the day, naturally Americans, operating efficiently under the supply/demand/price architecture of free markets, are driving quite a bit less this year. As a result, there will be a projected $9-billion deficit to the general highway fund. Ironically, craven democrats aren't happy about the American people conserving gas, because it means less tax dollars in their pockets. But I thought we were supposed to be conserving....what gives?
Here's what gives...the loathsome wretch Pelosi and the detestable boob Harry Reid are afraid that the $9-billion shortfall will translate into thousands of lost jobs blamed on democrats, just in time for the election. What they won't tell you, is that last year $50-billion, almost 10% of the bloated highway bill sadly introduced by Bush but happily passed by the democrats, was earmarked for non-highway projects such as bike paths, nature walks, museums, and urban, non-road associated visitor centers. If they cut out one fifth of the earmarks, there would be no shortfall.
But democrats never, never lower taxes. They see all money as theirs and they just let you have some of it each month. Their solution is to raise the federal take a full 10-cents per gallon on gasoline. That's right, they're going to gouge the Americans for another dime on every gallon to keep from doing without the money.
The funny thing is, if they don't raise taxes on gas, the shortfall will cost them votes in November but, effectively raising the price of a gallon of gas by a dime will look even worse. Why what's a shifty liberal to do?
Here's a question for you: let's say, as we're lectured to by the Goreacle and others, we stop using gasoline and switch to bicycles, electric cars, scooters, whatever....let's say we do all that, where is the bulk of the highway fund going to come from then? How high will other taxes go to pay for highway maintenance? Will they institute a per/mile tax on our travels by attaching a GPS meter so they know where and how far we are at all times? You know they aren't going to do without all that money. See, this is the latest step toward the liberal utopia of reducing our great, free, American society to a Soviet-style gulag where we live in towering, urban ghettos, stand in line for black bread and cabbage, and read propaganda in the Daily Worker as we walk, bike, or toil on the dreary mass transit systems every day. Of course Nancy and Harry will keep their SUV's because they are the elite ruling class. The rules don't apply to them.
I love how people think the president even has that much power over gas prices. He doesn't, at least Bush doesn't because he has to deal with crappy politicians like Pelosi. He can't get anything done because congress won't let him. Of course, we are better off having nothing get done because come next January Obama will begin his internal destruction of everything good left in this country. Profit capping, pulling out our soldiers, and raising taxes are just a few of his "great changes." Of course I never can tell exactly what he is going to do because he changes his mind so much.
I can send you photographs of Soviet-style, towering urban ghettos still in use.
I was listening to the same news on the radio this morning - talk about a 10 cent hike in the gas tax. Beware, in the same breath they mentioned how on-line sales are booming. How long before someone refreshes the idea to tax Internet transactions? It's only a matter of time.
Right you are David. Internet sales taxes are coming, the Fairness Doctrine is coming back, status quo on immigration will be the rule, accelerated progression on income taxes is coming, taxation by the mile driven is coming, the death tax is coming back, the Bush tax breaks will lapse, our already dreadful public schools will become mandatory bilingual, every combustion-based engine from buses to weed-eaters will be punitively taxed based on carbon emissions, restaurants will have their food taxed based on health and degree of eco-friendliness, draconian hate-speech laws will be extended to political speech....basically, the US is swirling down the drain of political correctness, liberalism, and Obamamania toward a no-shit, socialist-style welfare state.
It's sad really.
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