Inspectors to halt import of some food from Mexico
So it is possible after all to stop the influx of undesirable things from Mexico....who knew? Liberals plus John McCain and President Bush tell is it isn't. Where's their idiotic reasoning that Mexican tomatoes are simply flavoring salsa that American tomatoes won't flavor?
So our government can close the border if it's politically expedient to do so. The only problem is that Mexican tomatoes aren't hurting anybody, yet they've been prevented from coming across. But Mexican people, who're sucking up taxpayer-funded benefits faster than Madonna beds pro ball players, dumbing down our schools, driving down wages, refusing to assimilate, and filling up our prisons, get a free pass across the border from the same government.
Holy crap! You mean we CAN secure our border against hapless tomatoes just not large bipedal mammals? WTFO!
You nailed it: politically expedient. But I don't understand how potentially salmonella-laced tomatoes pose a bigger threat than drunk-driving, gang-violent Mexican humans?
p.s. You ALL know my angst over our open (read indifferent) borders policy. Well I walked in two parades on Independence day and noticed quite a few Mexicans (illegal or otherwise) watching from the sidelines. For this I must give them credit as there were many Americans absent.
I agree with you David. It's hard to fault the Mexicans for wanting to come here, and many of them have the best intentions but, what's good for the few isn't always what's good for the whole. It's a numbers game. A couple million assimilated immigrants here and there is fine with me, but 12-20 million foreigners who refuse to learn English while demanding that we translate everything into Spanish for their convenience is preposterous. Somewhere a line got crossed.
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