Heh heh, the heat index in Iran yesterday reached a scorching 163F(115F actual temp with 90% humidity). There's not enough contraband R-22 left in the world to cool down that God-forsaken cesspool of zealotry and tyranny.
Good luck with that fellas, better have your wives wave those palm fronds around a little faster......that is if you can find any who aren't dead from heat stroke from wearing those ridiculous hijabs in this weather.
I heard yesterday that mandatory holidays were declared in Iraq for an unusual heat wave. I have been there this time of year. My personal attitude was 115F and under was fine, 115-120F was tough, and it once hit 125F. I have a hard time imagining what it would take to call it unusually bad!
It seems region wide; I have heard Pakistan mentioned also.
I was in Montgomery doing traffic studies this week and the heat index was like 106. I can't even imagine what 163 feels like.
What is the heat index up on Mount Olympus where you and the other eleven Olympians live, Ed?
Heh heh, it's breezy and a crisp 73, perfect for judging the little people below as we snack on ambrosia and honey. ;-)
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