“The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of ‘liberalism’ they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.”

Socialist Party presidential candidate Norman Thomas

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Adam Lambert's on the fast-track to obscurity

Talentless, reality-show creation Adam Lambert shocked the TV audience with homo-erotic performance then, stupidly accused complainers of discrimination....

During the closing act, the openly gay singer simulated sex on stage with a back-up dancer and kissed a male musician on the mouth.

Lambert told US network CNN that the kiss was "in the moment".

ABC said the number of complaints was "moderate". The show's producers have declined to comment.

Lambert, who performed his debut single For Your Entertainment, said that if people had been upset by his performance that it is a "form of discrimination and it's too bad".

It's a little soon in Lambert's "career" to be resorting to hyper-sexual performances and accusing critics of discrimination. If he has any talent, which he might, it gets washed away with the in-your-face homosexuality of the performances. Say what you want about the sexual hypocrisy of Americans but, TV audiences are just not ready for the mainstreaming of prime-time, gay smooching and simulated oral sex. When you're already, in your first major performance, resorting to shock-value to get people to notice you, and then cry discrimination when people don't like it, I doubt you'll be very long-lived in the music industry....thankfully for the rest of us.


Bill Lockhart said...

I watched the performane on youtube and found it boring, totslly choreographed, and utterly nonspontaneous. But yes mainstream Amreica was not ready for it. I read in an ezine that the "moderate" number of complaint was 1500. Yes one thousand and five hundred people. Not real impressive numbers to me- I bet if someone made a jesus joke they would get more. Nonetheless the timing of his performance in the overall scheme of things was premature.

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