“The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of ‘liberalism’ they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.”

Socialist Party presidential candidate Norman Thomas

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Shep Smith shows what a tool he is

Watch useful idiot, Shep Smith, apologize on air for Fox not being fair and balanced...what a tool!

What was Shannon Bream supposed to do, not file a live political report until she could have both candidates there live, at the same time? What a moron Shep is!

This is the last straw for me with Shep. I first started questioning him when he bashed George Bush as the first images of Katrina came on air. His first instinct was to blame Bush for the Katrina victims.

He should head on over to CNN where he'll fit right in with the world-first, America-second, Fox is unfairly biased crowd, and let Trace Gallagher handle the 6-7CST time slot.

1 comment:

Bill Lockhart said...

What an Ass , he just tried to make that reporter look she made some grevious error in grabbing a hot item interview when she had the chance, and perhaps scouped the other networks. What was she supposed to do send SWAT to find the other guy? I don't care what station or what political parties were at play, this guy is a total dick and should be fired--with no reference except a "I would not hire".