“The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of ‘liberalism’ they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.”

Socialist Party presidential candidate Norman Thomas

Friday, February 18, 2011

Teachers unions doing what unions do....demand ever more from taxpayers

Feckless, self-interested, teachers in Wisconsin are protesting a cost-cutting measure by the governor of that state which would save millions, but would also curtail the power of the public sector unions to bargain collectively and extort lavish salary and benefits packages from taxpayers.

Many schools are closed as teachers have descended on Madison to agitate like thugs and demand to keep their cadillac packages. Meanwhile, state assembly democrats have fled to Illinois so they won't have to vote on the bill. Apparently the governor can have them forcibly brought to work as long as they are physically in the state. But like kidnappers or petulant 5 year olds, they are hold up in a hotel and have called in a list of demands to CNN.

Seriously? A list of demands? From an undisclosed location? Unbelievable!

I swear, if there's a more pernicious movement in the US than then the teachers' unions, I'd like to hear about it.


David said...

Ed, Correct me if I'm wrong.

The human body is made up of cells. Each has a lifespan. Cancer is when a cell FAILS to die.

Unions HAD a purpose in the 19th century. They have achieved their purpose and have lived their life. They're failure to die is a cancer on the business environment and the economy.

Maybe we should fund research on how to eliminate unions! We could have "union" awareness weeks, months, walks, hunger strikes, etc.

Ed said...

Right you are David. All labor unions serve no purpose but to extort undeserved money and benefits from employers, far above what the labor market would otherwise bear, and to use forced union dues to bankroll craven politicians who'll protect them legislatively.