“The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of ‘liberalism’ they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.”

Socialist Party presidential candidate Norman Thomas

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Judgement day for Silky Pony

Looks like Silky Pony may finally get what he deserves....

From MSNBC via Hotair -- A two-year grand jury investigation of John Edwards has reached a decisive point. Prosecutors believe they have a strong case, but have not yet gotten a green light from the Justice Department to charge the former presidential candidate, NBC News has learned. The issue: did Edwards violate election laws by trying to cover up his affair with a campaign videographer, Rielle Hunter.

Let me just say that I despise John Edwards. He was the worst kind of low-life, malpractice trial lawyer, a loathsome democrat as a politician, and a cad of the highest order for how he treated his wife. That said, his teen kids have just lost their mother to cancer. Do we really need to send their father to prison, essentially leaving them parentless, all because he used campaign cash to hide an affair from his wife and the public?

I know the prosecutors have spent two years and probably millions in taxpayer funds to investigate and bring this indictment so they won't just drop it. But come on, the guy has kids still in high school. Isn't it punishment enough at this point just being Silky Pony?


Bill said...

Ed, if Tom Delay is being sent to prison for years due to a completely BS campaign finance violation, I don't see giving this piece of .... any breaks.

Now, if all agree to decriminalize politics like the founders intended, I say yea.

Ed said...

I'm just thinking of the children, Bill. If John Edwards actually had to go to prison, he'd probably hang himself about 10 minutes after his first group shower. He could use the, "I'm too pretty for prison" excuse to plea for leniency.

Plus, Tom Delay actually compromised his office, Edwards was only campaigning. He didn't betray the public trust. I see a difference there.

Bill said...

Ed,Tom Delay wasn't a "good guy" but he was targeted by the highly partisan Democrat DA in Austin, charged with the "crime" of taking campaign contributions from PAC's and passing them on to other office seekers. All highly technical and very little different, if at all, from what every other politician does. They then got a jury in the most liberal city in Texas to indulge their revenge fantasies against Delay for every imagined violation. No justice was done.

Edwards. if I am correct, is suspected of taking donations people gave him to run for office and using the money to basically buy the silence of his mistress. Not "only campaigning."

As I tried to get across, I am in favor of financial freedom in politics. If I have $100 million and want to give it to you for you to run for the Senate, I should be able to. As it is now, I can run myself with my $100 million, but can't donate it. That's one reason we have mostly rich people in the Senate.

I don't think any good will come of sending Edwards to prison, but neither does any good come from sending Delay.

Ed said...

I agree. There should be unlimited donations in politics as long as there is immediate and very public disclosure along with political positions and interests of donors over a certain amount. That's a self-regulating system.

If you wanted to give $100 million to some candidate, as a voter I'd want to know what you expected in return for that much money. If you gave $500, on the other hand, that's not much influence to have purchased so I wouldn't care.