Our favorite ruthless dictator, Mahmoud Ahmadinnerjacket, the laughable, Gilligan-like president of Iran, was in New York yesterday at the despicable UN to spit in Obama's eye....
From FoxNews -- He was greeted by applause when he walked into the United Nations General Assembly, and applauded again, even after questioning 9/11 and claiming that the American government may have been behind the attack.
That’s right, applauded after questioning the motivation for the terrorist attacks, who was responsible for them, and essentially suggesting they were a U.S. plot.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has made a variety of claims over the years during his appearances here, but he never has gone this far when talking about 9/11.
During his General Assembly address, the Iranian President called for a “U.N. fact finding group” to investigate 9/11.
He also said that ”the majority of the American people as well as most nations and politicians around the world” believe that “some segments within the U.S. government orchestrated the attack to reverse the declining of the American economy and its grips on the Middle East in order to save the Zionist regime.”
When the entire body of the United Nations applauds as our worst enemy comes to our country and spits in our faces, how can we justify continuing to underwrite this collection of America-hating despots and shiftless thugs? If anybody reading this can give me one reason to continue to host(and by host, I mean pay for at taxpayer expense) the worst organization in the world including the KKK, right here in New York. It is reprehensible to me that the most corrupt collection of self-serving dictators and criminals enjoys diplomatic immunity and is welcomed with open arms by our government.
That Obama had little to say in reply other than a school-marm lecture about peace, tolerance, and shared prosperity shows what an awful Marxist President he really is and how little regard he has for his office or the people he pretends to lead.....the American people.
"When the entire body of the United Nations applauds as our worst enemy comes to our country and spits in our faces...."
1) Iran is NOT our worst enemy.
2) It is the U.S. which has chosen, without justification, to be Iran's enemy.
3) M. A. did not spit in our face, he told the truth and some called it spitting in our face.
Re#1: name another despotic madman who hates the US for supporting Israel and who's almost got his hands on nukes?
Re#2: Iran is the #1 sponsor of anti-US terrorism right along with Saudi Arabia. That justification enough for you?
Re#3: You are a 9/11 truther? You're an idiot!
I like "Iminajihad" better for Ahmadinijad.
"... name another despotic madman who hates the US for supporting Israel and who's almost got his hands on nukes?"
Hell, Ed, you make hating the U.S.'s support for Israel sound like a bad thing.
If it REALLY wanted stability in the Middle East, the U.S. would give Iran nuclear warheads and a delivery system that would reach Tel Aviv. Can you say M.A.D.?
Glen, you retard, Israel has had nukes for decades and has never once as much as threatened any of it's neighbors with them. Iran doesn't even have one yet, but promises to wipe the "Zionists" off the map at it's earliest convenience. You seriously don't see a difference?
When your tin-foil hat reader first weighed in this topic, I wondered who our "worst enemy" would be if not Iran. I figured it had a lot to do with die Juden. Seig Heil you troofer idiot!
"Iran doesn't even have one yet, but promises to wipe the "Zionists" off the map...."
Ah, Ed. I guess if the truth doesn't support your position, you have no choice but resort to a lie. Shame on you.
Where Bill comes from, "you troofer idiot" passes for intelligent argumentation. You can't help but feel sorry for the guy.
Glen, why don't you enlighten us about the truth regarding 9/11 and Iran's intentions toward Israel.
"why don't you enlighten us about the truth regarding 9/11 and Iran's intentions toward Israel."
The reasons for doubting the official 9-11 story, and the correct translation of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad remarks re Israel are but a couple of mouse clicks away, Ed.
But you have never searched "pilots for 9/11 truth" or "architects And engineers for 9/11 truth" have you, Ed?
You have never searched "What did ahmadinejad really say?", have you?
I can't help but wonder why.
Certainly we have very very dangrous enemies overseas in various regimes, I saw them myself in my service to our country and was appalled at the ignorance of Americans on the topic and how the media doesn't cover the issue at all in our country - but if we look around our biggest enemy is ourselves and how we fail in so many simple judeo-christian values that would solve most of what we struggle to deal with. We're rotting from the inside out. Greed over other people's success (coveting) deception on the part of politicians as to what their bills will do for us (bearing false witness about each other and themselves) and thinking others' success entitles us to their riches (stealing) - and on and on - if we had the most basic and fundamental morality in place that would fall in line with those first ten laws, we would have no problems as a nation with the moral clarity required to know what to do about things like Iran or even understanding what's really going on over there. Things like Iran wouldn't even be an issue because we'd have the moral fortitude to have either solved it already or recognize what it is and be prepared to deal with it rather than as a nation (and a government) arguing about what to do or showing so much hesitancy or vacillation on the issue. I think I'll write about that now in my blog - good Sabbath topic not that I usually have a sabbath topic.
I don't think it the Bible that we've abandoned as much as the Constitution. And regardless of our morality, the fact that we aren't Muslim and are the richest country on Earth compels the third-world barbarians in Iran and other places to try to kill us, as the great and benevolent prophet, not to mention pedophile, Allah has commanded.
"the third-world barbarians in
For heaven's sake, Ed, knock it off. Iranians are neither third-world nor barbarians.
Further, rhey once were very favorably disposed toward the U.S. and would be again if we would stop screwing over them.
We stopped screwing them? What are you talking about? And I know full well that the Iranian people are as modern as we are. It's the Islamic zealotry and sharia that passes for governing that's barbaric. That we installed the Shah as a puppet kept Iran in the modern world, right up until Jimmy Carter, the worst president ever until Barry, pulled the rug ot from under him and the Iranian people. Jimmy Carter gave rise to anti-American Islamic radicalism by plunging Iran into the darkness of sharia.
Let me get this straight, Ed. You view the Shah as a success story?
I doubt that very many Iranians see it that way, especially those he tortured, maimed and killed.
Ed, wouldn't you have loved to be in the cosmic top secret briefing on January 21, 2009 where Obama and Biden were taken to the sealed room and told the "truth" about how Cheney had planned and orchestrated the whole 9/11 thing? Then they convinced Barry and Joe to keep quiet and let Bush and Cheney off the hook. I wonder if Holder was ever let in on the secret.
Bill, Bill. I fear that you have confused sarchasm with erudition.
Glen, I work with former Iranian nationals who grew up in Iran during the Shah's tenure there. They have nothing but good memories of life in Iran during those times. They may not have approved of the Shah being installed by the US but, it beats the hellish lives that they would be living now had they not escaped.
@Bill, Glen is a tin-foil hatted America hater who like all liberals, blames America for all the evils that befall the quaint peoples of the world, but who doesn't really have a clue.
"They have nothing but good memories "
Some people had nothing but good memories of life under Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot, Ed.
The people (and their families) who were tortured, maimed and killed, however, maybe no so good memories.
Was the Shah a good guy? Was Stalin? Mao? Pol Pot?
More to the point, were we good guys to meddle in the internal affairs of a sovereign state?
No on all counts.
Ed, I fear we've forgotten the famous admonition about "arguing with fools."
If we keep our morality we keep the constitution.
"...like all liberals..."
Ed, I voted for Republicans or Libertarians, starting with Goldwater, in every presidential election in which I have voted.
It appears that your pigeonholer needs recalibration.
"Pigeonholer needs recalibration"...heh heh..good one!
More when I get to work....stay tuned.
Glen(exclaimed preposterously), though troubled, Iranians thrived under the Shah's rule for the most part, especially when compared to what they toil under today. I agree with the argument that we should not be meddling in the affairs of sovereign nations without provocation, but the outcome is undebatable. Are you seriously comparing the Shah with Pol Pot and Mao?
Glen, lest you be deceived, I am no fan of the current crop of republicans. And as a libertarian, I am in favor of staying out of other nations in any military capacity unless invited or provoked.
@Saturday's warrior: not sure there's an appropriate relationship between the 10 Commandments and the Constitution. Our system of laws regarding mens interaction with eath other is based on these principles more or less while the Constitution is a description of the interaction between men and the legislating part of government, not law enforcement. To me the Constitution should necessarily be areligious.
Morality, is each man acting in his own economic interest in pursuit of happiness, within a framework of laws, unhindered by a paternal government except for necessary functions. What's more moral than that?
My, my. All this about Iran. When aren't there potential nukes and intercontentental missles brewing with an equally insane leader in North Korea? I'm just sayin'..better not focus all eyes on one place.
Don't doubt that the people in the White House who unfortunately are making these decisions are just as appeasment minded toward crazy Kim as they are toward crazy A-zad. The serious people in the DOD who will have to pick up the pieces afterward if all H*** breaks loose are focused on both.
"... aren't there ... nukes and intercontentental missles brewing with an equally insane leader[s] in ..." Israel?
Wow, Glen. Just Wow!
Strangely, Israel has yet to nuke anyone in the several decades in which most assume they have the weapons.
"Wow, Glen. Just Wow!"
That's what I say, Ed, every time I read of the brutality and criminality perpetrated by "them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan". (Rev. 2:9 KJV)
Glen, if defending their civilian population against the terrorists organizations Hamas and Hezbollah is now considered brutal and criminal, what is Israel supposed to do? The poor, put-upon Palestinians are treated far better in Israel than by other Arabs. The Arab community uses the manufactured Palestinian plight as a convenient excuse to keep attacking Israel. Everytime Israel gives them productive land like Gaza, the Palestinians immediately destroy it to use as staging grounds from which to attack Israel and demand more land.
Ed, you may have noted that noted intellectual Cindy Sheehan declared herself a "proud truther" before a crowd numbering in the ones this week. She is "sure" that Cheney was in on it.
Bill, Cindy's "crowd" must have included Glen.
Unless he's a pure troll, who just enjoys provoking others on a site like yours. Can anyone be as he presents himself in reality?
I don't get how the libertarian claim jives with the cospiratorial truther nonsense.
I don't know about that - there are all kinds of people who call themselves libertarians. I think the famous Ron Paul has a number of "troofer" supporters.
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