Sorry to break the whole limerick mood and stuff but Ed as you might know, I'm quite the fan of your "What's in Ed's cd player this week" and you haven't informed us of your latest musical phase in awile. If you have anything you don't want to share about your taste in music, please tell us so we can ridicule you for a change.
Right you are, my friend. It's been a while since the last "What's in Ed's CD player?". So for those of you riding around bored with your tunes, I know what you're thinking....."What's that Ed listening to these days? I'll bet he's into some cool stuff." Well, without further ado, here're some of the bands and (albums) I've been listening to lately.....
Augustana (Can't Love Can't Hurt)
Death Cab for Cutie (Narrow Stairs)
REM (Accelerate)
Passenger (Wicked Man's Rest)
Jack Johnson (Sleep Through the Static)
Counting Crows (Saturday Nights and Sunday Mornings)
I defy anybody to find fault with those selections.
Death Cab for Cutie? REM? Jack Johnson? Yuck...
Replace those three with one single CD. One Hot Minute by the Red Hot Chili Peppers, its pretty much the greatest thing ever. Want to hear how a real bass guitar sounds? Check it out. Flea is a pure genius.
Chili Peppers? Gimme a break!
What is wrong with the Chili Peppers? Have you listened to their One Hot Minute album?
The Peppers are just plain bad. First they do a bad knock off of a bad Ohio Players song. They gimmick eberything they do with their antics and their body stylings (hair, tats,piercings, etc). Then they want the world to think to them as just musicians. Ask them to stop and just paly, and maybe they will be considered as a legitimate talent eventually.
By the way, Ed, nice array of ecclectic options.
They are a hard working band. They have interesting tastes in style, perhaps a bit overboard, but then again, I don't look at their pictures when I listen to their music. It can be relaxing and groovy.
Ha who says groovy? I personaly think RHCP have a rather annoying sound. I've been listening to a mix with everclear, warren haynes/govt mule, The Foo, Guns n' Roses, and oddly enough 3 doors down. Interesting yes, but I don't get bored listing to it because its a variety of sounds. Ridicule me if you like I could not care less.
See I prefer music that requires talent to make. That pretty much rules out most modern music, all rap, country, and any band that makes a living off of power chord guitar. Foo Fighters are good, i would have to agree. REM is kind of pushing it, but i won't lie, i listen to their stuff. RCHP plays with alot of talent. I enjoy that stuff. Plain and Simple. I never said these other people were terrible, I simply said that i didnt like them, and that you guy should check out something else.
"Flea is a pure genius". What a load of horse hockey! The RHCP are marginal on talent and without their gimmicky songs and stylings would have never had a career. You dismiss REM as talentless, when they are are far superior and tighter band than the Chilli's. If you want to learn music, try some Miles Davis or some John Coltrane. These men are true artists. They are unaltered by their commercial success and still play their music for the art in it. Kevin, you should try to open your mind and your ears. There are some really top notch country artists out now playing some meaningful stuff. If you think the RHCP are a talent laden group, then you really are sorely mistaken. These bufoons couldn't hold a candle to the main players from the 70's. I listen to and appreciate a very wide array of music. Residing in my 6 CD player now are discs from Josh Rouse, a Davis and Coltrane live show, The Police, Taylor Swift (a very talented and attractive new country talent), Steely Dan, and an Elton John disc. Any of these artists are without question, better than RHCP. Luckily for us all, there are many groups to strike our fancies and we can have the luxury of this argument.
You obviously have no appreciation for Flea's abilities. I never said REM was talentless, I said yuck. I listen to a ton of music from the 70's. Where do you think Flea got his inspiration? His first album was a Miles Davis album. If you think that RHCP is talentless, I challenge you to pick up a bass guitar and play some of their stuff.
If you truly think that RHCP is a bunch of talentless annoying men banging on drums and slapping a guitar, then you should have no problem playing their stuff. I never said that any band was terrible. I have a hard time appreciating crap that some of these modern bands call albums. Actually, most modern bands just put out singles. If you want to know Bobby T, my favorite band is actually Pink Floyd. Or are they a bunch of talentless men too?
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