Plumber to Obama: “Your new tax plan is going to tax me more. Isn’t it?”
Obama: “It’s not that I want to punish your success, I just want to make sure that everybody that is behind you, that they have a chance for success too. I think that when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.”
Why is it the government's business to see that wealth gets "spread around", rather than earned, in the first place?
A caller on Rush's show pointed out that Obama revealed, probably unintentionally, what we've always known about liberals. They are all in favor of the American dream, right up until the point that you actually achieve the American dream, then you become the evil, stinking rich they demogogue to their resentful, grubbing, degenerate voting base. To liberal/socialists like Obama, when you realize the American dream, that's the precise point in time when class warfare and the promise of handouts no longer buys your vote and you become useless to them.

Give him a chance, Ed. According to Captain America, Obama can't possibly be worse than Bush.
In terms of spending and increasing the size of government, capt. america has a point. The difference is that Obama's wealth re-distribution scheme personalizes the government's intrusion, making enemies out of neighbors, whereas under Bush, the ever-expanding, compassionate-conservative, government behemoth is generalized and not directed at hurting any segment of the population.
But you are right to sarcastically mock the good capt., he asks for it and revels in it.
Was any one else reminded of communism when they read this passage? I think that when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody. Uhh, so basically while lawyers, doctors and other such high paying occupations require years and years of schooling are making lots of money working long hours, folks who are just plain lazy and don't feel like working should get some of the lawyers and doctors pay check? The hard workers are obviously helping the bums, but what are the bums doing for the lawyers? Taking their money thats what.
If you can do absolutely nothing and still manage to survive, there is no motivation to work hard. Obviously hard work is what drives the economy because think about it, if no one is working then how crummy are the products going to be and how high will the prices go without any competition? That is essentialy communism's problem: No motivation.
Excellent point michael, when the government makes itself responsible for "spreading around other peoples' wealth", where is the motivation for any individual to innovate, invent, or create?
But when you say thinks like that - you're a greedy republican.
They aren't lazy - you don't understand - blah blah blah.
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