The rich deserve a "Fair Tax", according to the big O. Currently the highest income group is taxed at an approximate 40% rate of their income ( for you slow math minds that is almost half of every dollar they earn). They also pay property taxes, sales taxes, and death taxes. They also will be taxed on any dollar they leave to their family, even though it was already taxed. Bad system so far, but not as bad as it will get. You see under the soon to be new tax proposal, the burden will shift down. Looking back at the Clinton administration, the "High End Income group" dropped to a gross of $42,000 per year. Obama proposes to revisit this system and to get America back to supporting the government. This way we all can "benefit" from our collective income pool after the government gets its "higher more expensive"cut.
Let's ask Barak how much he raised in donations last month. According to the press, he raised a never before achieved $150 million. According to his "economic system. we all deserve part of these earnings. All wealth is to be redistributed. Remember good ole Joe, that plumber. He asked the man directly, and as B.O. was pressed he deflected and went on. Guess we won't be seeing any campaign funds directed our way now will we?
Socialism has never worked and will never work because of greed. The top folks in the government soon can't be satiated on their modest earnings from our hard work, so they increase our giving. As that dries up they increase again. Soon they can't live and we can't give so it dries up completely, and we are back to some other form of government. Stop this madness now! Do not allow this man and his "group" to ruin this country.
1 comment:
Well said, Reid.
a British professor named Alexander Fraser Tyler wrote:
"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can exist only until the voters discover they can vote themselves largesse (defined as a liberal gift) out of the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that democracy always collapses over a loose fiscal policy, always to be followed by a dictatorship."
Obama has stated openly that these are his intentions, yet Americans continue to be swooned by him....maybe we deserve to be oppressed in a dictatorship if we are this stupid.
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