If Obama wins the presidency and democrats secure super-majorities in the House and Senate(likely outcomes all), America will quickly devolve, at the hands of our liberal masters, into a sad, pathetic shadow of it's former self. A nation of slouching dependence where productivity is punished and laziness and shiftlessness are rewarded.
What does it say about a nation that allows it's media to install into the presidency, a light-weight, vapid socialist with the names that sound like our two biggest, recent enemies? If George Bush had bothered to achieve even a fraction of his potential when elected, we wouldn't even be considering committing national harakiri in three weeks.
You're so right about GWB's total lack of...well, most things really. Wonder if those who elected him take their share of responsibility for doing so. And considering what those eight years has resulted in (take a look around), is it really so strange people want something completely different? I think it's very human - and thank god we live in a society where it's in our hands to do something about it.
I think your trust in America is a bit on the low side, Ed - I believe there's great future ahead. But Americans will have to roll up their sleeves and perform better. They also have to adjust to the simple fact that the world is actually changing - big time.
Btw, have you ever been to Europe?
capt., the voters who elected Bush bear no responsibility for his failures, other than we didn't put enough pressure on him and the congressional republicans to do what we elected hm to do. We've been too busy making sure Gore and Kerry didn't get elected.
When you say take a look around, I assume you mean that the current financial mess is...how does the messiah say it..."due to the failed economic policies of Bush". Bush and McCain tried to do something. They could have yelled it a little louder but, it wouldn't have mattered since Frank, Dodd, Shumer, and Obama were taking bribe money from Fannie and Freddie to stop any regulatory bills from becoming law.
Yes, Americans want something different, and with Pelosi, Reid, and Obama running the counry, it'll be different alright....it'll be worse.
As for my trust in America, half of Americans are retarded enough to vote for this guy. Exactly how does that engender trust?
I have been to Europe briefly but, never spent any time there. Why?
Capt - Of course the world is changing, but we can compromise the soul of this great nation. That can't change.
I was just curious, Ed.
Tracie: When the wind is changing, adjust your sails.
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