“The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of ‘liberalism’ they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.”

Socialist Party presidential candidate Norman Thomas

Thursday, March 01, 2007

the cult of celebrity worship

Try as I might, I cannot think of a less interesting person than Victoria Becham. Yet NBC is dedicating an entire reality show just to her.

Seriously, is there a more vapid, airheaded bimbo than this stick with a head. She's not cute, just irritating.

Celebrity-worshipping Americans will be able to tell you any fact about her stupid life, but will be unable to tell you who the vice-President is...and we let these people vote...sad!


Anonymous said...

Ed: She's hot!! Who cares if she doesn't have a brain. I will endure who mindless banter to watch her parade around in skimpy clothing. By the way what do you expect from POSH SPICE?

Anonymous said...

She's hot if you're into heroin-sheekness.

I have no use for immaciation and malnourishment. She looks like somebody stretched a piece of chicken skin over a cadaver in a gross anatomy lab.

Curvy and healthy...that's what's sexy.

Anonymous said...

I hear her husband is out of commission with a knee injury. If she needs a fill-in I can be available. Heroin addict or not.