“The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of ‘liberalism’ they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.”

Socialist Party presidential candidate Norman Thomas

Friday, September 08, 2006

Nuttier than squirrel poop!

So, now we have Cindy Sheehan's admission that she is totally unhinged...

Cindy Sheehan: Confessions of a Dangerous Mom

The antiwar icon admits she has fantasized about going back in time and killing the infant George W. Bush, thereby preventing the Iraq War. In fact, she reveals, her son's death in that war almost drove her to take her own life: "Every night I had to restrain myself from taking my entire bottle of sleeping pills instead of just one."

The haircut alone is enough to warrant contemplating suicide.

What a raving moonbat and an abysmal, disaster of a life! She is a shameful representative of parents of fallen soldiers.

Words to describe Cindy Sheehan: lunatic, demented, dingy, ingrate, unhinged, unpatriotic, shameful anti-Americanism...you get the picture. Just when you thought a person couldn't get any kookier, add to that, illusions of time-travel and infanticide.

The sooner she falls off the radar screen and into obscurity, or a deep hole, the better. Although I have to admit, the material is priceless...you can't make this stuff up folks.


Anonymous said...

Ed: Leave her alone. She lives for play on massively read blogs such as this. All she is doing, is putting the female mind screw on you and transversely your readers. Fight the urge to give in. Eliminate whats-her-name from your sace and life will be better. By the way, if she killed herself she would get no more pub, and she can't stand that. This is only a pub ploy avoid falling in the trap. Stay away - especially if she threatens again.

Ed said...

I know JC, you're right, you're right.

But it's kind of like doing that hand-to-hand, juggeling thing with a metal slinky...ridiculing Cindy Sheehan is practically irresistable.

Tell you what, it'll be hard for me, but I'll try to limit my Cindy posts to one a month.