Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Obama declares war on Ebola, but not ISIS

Obama will only send a token amount, about 1,600, "advisory" troops to combat ISIS, the gravest terrorist threat in the world today, but he's sending 3,000 troops to die in Liberia from Ebola.

Liberia is a forgotten, God-forsaken abyss of a country that no modern nation cares anything about, yet Obama is willing to have our soldiers go there to do what? Apparently they will be "supervising" the movement and transport of things. Why can't the Liberian troops supervise the movement and transport of things?

If there's anyway to get American 18 year olds to NOT join the military, tell them they'll be fighting a well armed and well funded terrorist organization in the Iraqi desert for the next 10 years or he'll be fighting Ebola in the jungles of Africa.

If I didn't know any better, I'd think Obama was intentionally trying to destroy what little morale was left in our military.

1 comment:

  1. "...tell them they'll be fighting a well armed and well funded terrorist organization in the Iraqi desert for the next 10 years...."

    Funny, that's what they tell their 18 year olds about us.
