Thursday, September 18, 2014

Barbara Streisand's fans are among the stupidest of all time

Barbara Streisand's fans might be the dumbest, most gullible of all entertainment fandoms. In 2000 she "retired" and sold out a "farewell tour" at like $70 Million, followed by a comeback tour which made her another $100 Million, followed by another "retirement" which rocketed her record sales since people believed her latest album was her last. 

Now she's announced yet another album which is certain to hit #1 and with the tour that'll go with it, she'll rake in another couple hundred million off her stupid fans. No doubt she'll hint that this is really her last album and her final farewell least until the next one.  

When are you morons going to learn that these celebrities are playing you?


  1. Ed,
    I'll send you an iTunes gift card. How you use it is up to you!

  2. Barbra (nee Barbara) Streisand, in an AP interview:
    "I think we have advanced with Obama, and I think people are giving him a hard time, which is not fair because this Affordable Care Act is working and it’s going to help a lot of people. But it’s like Greek tragedy, you know, they always try to bring down the gods, bring down the kings, bring down the leaders."

    Let us pray. Our father, which art in the White House....
