Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Heh heh, watch Mika Brzezinski get the vapors over Newt's comment

Mika Brzesinski is an unashamed Obama lick spittle, that much we know. But who figured she would defend the moronic OWS protesters against a simple insult from Newt, that frankly we've all made dozens of times..."get a job right after you get a bath". Watch and laugh as she practically hyperventilates in horror at Newt's daring to insult the delicate, snowflakes urinating and defecating on themselves around the country....

Michelle Malkin suggested this as Newt's new campaign slogan. I'd put this bumper sticker on my car today if I could buy one somewhere....


  1. Newt NAILED it! The news "reporters" are morons.

  2. Lickspittle is one word, Ed. (merriam-webster.com/dictionary/lickspittle)

  3. I originally typed it as one word, but then spellcheck kept making it two. Go figure. It still doesn't change the fact that Mika is a clueless, hard-left idealogue who has nothing but contempt for anybody whose opinions differ from hers.
