Monday, November 28, 2011

A modest milestone

I don't know if you noticed the visitor counter toward the bottom of the right column, but TRR just went over 200,000 visits since I put up the counter a couple of years ago. I realize that by Drudge standards, that's like 5 minutes worth of visits, but I'm happy that a couple hundred people from all over the world stop by each day to see what we're talking about and maybe put their two-cents worth in.

I appreciate you people wasting a few minutes of your employers' busy work day to have a look at the posts, engage in a little lively debate, and tell me what a thoughtless asshole I am.

Now, back to blogging.


  1. Ed,
    that is a victory in my book. I remember when it all began.

  2. Thanks Dave. I posted something like 3,600 stories in that time. Who knew I had that much to say?

  3. And you NEVER repeated yourself. Impressive!

  4. First visit from Moonbattery. The place looks good; I'll be back.
