Tuesday, November 22, 2011

John Corzine.....criminal and Obama cronie

Ask not at whom John Corzine points and laughs, for he points and laughs at you.

Disgraced former NJ governor John Corzine's company, MF Global, went tits-up recently and big surprise, $1.6Billion of his clients money is missing. Corzine's been a corrupt crony of the Obama administration for years and I'll bet a lions share of that money is in Obama's campaign war chest.

Do any of you expect Corzine to be be thrown in jail for stealing from his clients? Me neither. He's one of Obama's biggest supporters and he'll receive protection from prosecution, especially if as I suspect, a lot of that money wound up funding Obama's re-election bid.

If the OWS morons are serious about protesting corruption at the hightest levels of government and banking instead of just getting high and raping each other, why not protest the cozy bromance between Corzine and Obama?

1 comment:

  1. Corzine is the worst of everything rolled into one. Lying politician and Wall street criminal. Let's see if the idiots in the OWS camps (and their feckless PR agents at The Nation et al) can manage to make this scumbag a focal point, despite his being a staunch Dem partisan. I'd have to bet against it. Also have to bet against Corzine doing any time/paying any penalty for his misdeeds. That's how corrupt we actually are....
