Thursday, September 22, 2011

PC idiocy in Kansas

Feminists at Kansas State, the smug, self-appointed arbiters of what hurts the feelings of others at that school, whined about the school's unofficial slogan "Every Man A Wildcat" not being inclusive enough for chicks....

From -- MANHATTAN, Kan.(AP) -- A 1950s-era slogan meant to inspire Kansas State fans is instead causing controversy.

University officials asked the school's band to remove a formation highlighting the slogan "Every Man a Wildcat" from its pregame routine on Saturday.

Those who dislike the slogan say the word "man" is not inclusive. They prefer "Every Person a Wildcat."

Well of course spineless school officials caved into the bleating demands of feminist harpies. Academics always do. Apparently none of these academics representing the university were English professors or they would have recognized that when used in a global  or school-wide context, the term "man" is gender neutral....

At, the definition of the global, or school-wide in this case, "man" is -  a member of the species Homo sapiens or all the members of this species collectively, without regard to sex.

When is someone finally going to stand up to the self-appointed P.C. police and tell them to take a hike?


  1. This is bad. Even worse is the NCAA bullying schools with mascots and nicknames taken from American Indian tribes. Most caved, but Florida State, God Bless them, got the local Seminole tribe to bless their use of the term and forced the NCAA to back down. I think Illinois did as well, but I'm not as familiar with them. BTW, I almost never would pull for FSU in any sport.

  2. Over at West Georgia, my alma mater, they changed the mascot of the school from the generic "Braves" to the stupid "Wolves", in order to appease some local tribe of injuns who pretended to insulted about being called brave. I wrote a witheringly critical letter to the campus paper, but it didn't help.

  3. I'm glad bees don't have a politically correct lobby!

    Go Jackets!
