Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Is it real, or photoshopped?

Here's a picture taken directly from the Getty Images website, of Chairman Zero after a meeting with other world leaders at the UN. Bizarrely he decided to wave like an attention-craving teenager taking a family picture at the beach for that year's Christmas card.

"Love me! Adore me! Love me!"

Now, it still might be a photoshopped image, but I borrowed this from the Getty Images website and they are as reputable as there is. Perhaps they are punking us bloggers into embarrassing ourselves, but I doubt it. If it's real, while hilarious, it's another glaring example of Obama's self-centered belief that he's the only person in the room that matters.


  1. If you Google "Obama 'Open Government Partnership'", the only picture of that occasion to come up is the one shown here, so it may be the real deal.

    If so, one thing is for sure. The president of Mongolia is pissed at Obama. (Or, more precisely, at Obama's right hand.)

  2. Since this posting yesterday, the image has turned out to be definitely real and not photoshopped. What a self-important rube our President is.

  3. Fox News reported that President Zero was waving for a time limit on standing there and the photo happened to be shot at exactly that time.

    If so, it is a perfect example of how when things are going to hell around you, nothing goes right.

  4. Yeah, I'm sure even Obama, as self-centered as he is, wouldn't do something so dumb. When things are going to crap, even photo-ops go to crap....heh heh.
