Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Nothing screams, "I'm guilty as hell" like pleading the 5th

Shady Solyndra executives will be pleading the 5th this week when they sit before a congressional hearing on improprieties, if not illegalities, connected with their securing  and misuse of $535million in federal loan guarantees craftily doled out to them by the Obama administration. Solyndra promptly went bankrupt and out of business and nobody can find the money.

I'd plead the 5th too if I was a Solyndra executive, transfer all that money to off-shore accounts, and then buy a one-way ticket to Grand Cayman. Somebody should probably confiscate their passports.

Solyndra executives made numerous visits to the white house in the days leading up to the guarantee so the Obama administration is sweating bullets over what these crooks might say if they decide to snitch to investigators. Bizarrely, the administration is trying to beat a 30Sept deadline and fork over another $9billion in ill-gotten stimulus cash to other shady "green" companies.

If George Bush's administration had this kind of Chicago-style corruption, the media would be calling already for an impeachment hearing or certainly for him to step down and not run again. That they aren't with Obama is beyond astonishing and shows how utterly derelict they are in their jobs as government watchdogs. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my god, there's a great deal of helpful information here!
