Thursday, July 28, 2011

CK rightfully counsels the tea party to think long-term

Charles Krauthammer has a pretty good point here. We tea partiers need to take the debate shift that we've caused(no body's even talking about tax increases because of tea-party pressure), let Boehner's bill pass, and start planning to throw out the messianic piper from the white house next year......

From Hotair -- “You cannot govern from one branch. All the Conservatives control now is half a branch … and under our system, you’ve got to have it all.” he said.

“All of us respect the Constitution; it sort of defines the new Conservatism. If you believe in it, then respect the Constitution, understand its restraints, and win the election in November.”

The only way that can happen? Persuade the country that America needs a smaller, more Constitutional government. Krauthammer said that right now Obama is weak, Conservatives’ case is strong, and the economy’s on the rocks. “Why would you want to send the country into a crisis now and share the blame with Obama? It makes no sense whatsoever.”

I think he's right. If we go beyond the deadline on Aug 2 without a debt-ceiling increase, the media will hysterically wail about the sky falling, and republicans(specifically the tea party republicans) will get most of the blame in the minds of the barely cognizant public. That can't be good for gains we'd like to make in 2012.


  1. I completely agree with you, Ed. I part with Rush and Sean Hannity on this, which is somewhat rare, but I think this is not the battle to "go all in."

  2. At this point, defining the tea-party Rubicon as "no debt-ceiling increase" is short-term thinking. The damage we'll take by being blamed for a shutdown will truly damage the gains we'd have otherwise made in 2012.

    It's not fair but the reality is that the media will blame us and a lot of Americans will want to not be associated with such perceived uncoolness.

  3. "no debt-celing increase - period" is lunacy, IMHO. The duly elected congress has already obligated the spending. You can argue they obligated far too much, as I do, yet still recognize you have to pay your bills. Allowing Obama to pick and choose which to pay - he will make it as painful and chaotic as possible - is a recipe for disaster.

  4. I think I read this morning where Obama will announce the spending priorities in the event of a "no-deal" from congress by 2Aug. I'm sure he'll shut down the Smithsonian, national parks, and such just to piss off the vacationing public.

    I guess suspending all UN money, foreign aid, and shuttering the departments of education, interior, commerce, and HUD never crossed any body's mind.

  5. Don't forget he'll probably say he's suspending meat inspection.

  6. Oh, you know the first things on the chopping block will be the things that Americans hold near and dear and the media will dutifully be outraged by it, pretending that it wasn't Obama's choice to cut them.

    If congressional paychecks were by law the first things to be cut, I'll bet this would have been settled months ago.

  7. Someone said ineligibility to run for re-election should be tied to any deficit... That would get their attention!

  8. Ralph, certainly if congressional salaries were tied to performance of GDP, rate of unemployment, etc., or in other words how well they were doing their jobs, I'll be the country would be in fabulous financial shape.
