Friday, July 29, 2011

Would-be Ft. Hood terrorist is not only a Muslim, but a coward

This is the Muslim coward, Pfc. Naser Jason Abdo, who asked for and received conscientious objector status from the Army, went AWOL, then planned another terrorist attack on Ft. Hood. Thankfully and alert gun-store owner notified the cops and he was stopped.

Here's his rational for declaring CO status: (from FoxNews) -- "Islam is a peaceful religion, it's not a religion of warfare," Abdo said. "And it's not a religion of terror. As a Muslim, we stand against injustice, we stand against discrimination, and I feel it's my duty as an individual to do this."

First, I didn't even know the military granted CO status anymore. If you are unwilling to kill or be killed, then you are a useless piece of crap to the military and should be drummed out of the service with a dishonorable discharge...tout suite!

If Islam is such a religion of peace and not of warfare or terror as he laughably claims, what does he call a planned terrorist attack in the name of Islam against soldiers at Ft. Hood?

No doubt the media will be sympathetic to him since he refused to fight against fellow Muslim terrorists.

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