Thursday, July 28, 2011

Don't be duped by politicians' lies regarding the debt ceiling

What ever happens on 2Aug when the debt deadline passes and no bill has been passed, in terms of the downgrading of the US credit rating, don't let lying politicians scare you into believing that Social Security checks won't go out leaving grandma to eat dog food and live in a van down by the river.

The federal government confiscates around $200billion dollars a month from citizens who work. There's plenty of money to pay SS, Medicare, Medicaid, the military, and so on. In fact we can cover easily about 70% of the budget with that money. The problem is which items do we not pay for when the deadline passes? Just like if your household had a budget shortfall, what would you not pay for? You'd pay your mortgage, groceries, electricity, etc. But you might not pay for cable TV, the yard service, the pool boy, and some other non essentials.

President Obama threatened to choose to not cut SS checks because he wanted to scare everybody into putting pressure on congress to raise the debt ceiling with no promise of cuts. He was lying. The first thing on the chopping block when there's a budget shortfall should be the paychecks of all elected government officials. That should light a fire under them to reach an agreement. After that, why not put non-defense government agencies out of business for a month or two, such as the useless Depts. of Education, EPA, Interior, Commerce, HUD, etc.? These aren't necessary agencies. They are generous jobs programs for well-connected friends of corrupt politicians. But nobody would care if they threatened to shut those agencies down, only threatening social security gets every body's attention. What a bunch of lying bastards we've elected to lord over us!

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