Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Twitter might abandon SanFrancisco

Twitter is currently located in San Francisco, but not for long if the city council insists on collecting a 1.5% occupational tax for the privilege of working there. The council is debating on whether to grant Twitter a 6 year waiver in order to keep it from moving south a few miles to Brisbane where there is no occupational tax.

This encapsulates perfectly what is wrong with the US when it comes to capitalism and economic viability. Smarmy politicians think that all money belongs to them and they're doing you a favor by letting you keep some of what you earned. Punitive taxes and onerous regulations, not corporate greed, are what have driven jobs outside the country to places like Mexico, China, and India. Companies and people are leaving high-tax states in favor of low tax states where the business environment is more friendly. You'd think the high-tax states would learn eventually, but they won't. They'll just keep raising taxes on those that are left.

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