Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Adrian Peterson plays the slavery card.....jumps the shark

Crybaby Adrian Peterson, Vikings running back, who makes $10.72million a year in base salary, is comparing the plight of NFL players to slavery. (You can stop laughing now. Apparently he's serious.)

He thinks that the NFL owners are making too much money for themselves and not sharing enough of it. That's the basis for the players going on strike, possibly cancelling the 2011 season.

Stupid NFL players who are looking for sympathy from ordinary citizens, who pay their lavish salaries and who are struggling to put gas in their cars and food on their tables, probably are barking up the wrong tree. When it costs $500 to take a family of four to a football game, it's hard to identify with players' demand for more money, knowing that the fans will be paying more for tickets to give it to them.

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