Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The One tackles the really hard problems

President Obama is just as lazy with his NCAA tournament picks as he is being President. For the third year, in a silly stunt for ESPN, the leader of the free world wasted taxpayers' money making his picks for the Final Four....he chose all #1 seeds to make it.

Civil war is about to descend on Libya and Qaddafi is slaughtering his own people, violent protest in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain threaten the world oil supply, Iran and Israel confront each other over arms shipments to Gaza, our own economy teeters on the brink of utter disaster, we're hemorraging money for no apparent reason in Iraq and Afghanistan, and worst of all, Japan is in the worst crisis ever....earthquake, tsunami, aftershocks, radiation leaks, volcano eruption, food shortages, rolling blackouts, and freezing temps with no shelter for tens of thousand homeless. Plus, our government flirts with a shutdown every week. In the midst of all this world and domestic turmoil, our President has time for golf, 3D movie screenings, and a stupid basketball tournament.

"But Ed", you wrongly point out, "Obama can't do anything about these world events so why shouldn't he kill time amusing himself"?

I agree that he can't do anything personally, but his diddling around with trivial amusements while people are suffering just looks bad. It's as if these things are distractions from the important stuff...his golf game, partying with celebrities, and looking cool by filling out his tournament bracket on ESPN. If Bush had played golf, hosted celebrity movie parties, and goofed around on Sports Center during all this, the feckless media would have been calling for impeachment for dereliction of duty during a crisis, but it's cool for Obama to do it.

What does this guy do all day?

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