Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Rest in Peace Frank. You deserve it and may God bless your family. Today is a sad day in the country, and sadly most people are just getting ready to party on St. Patrick's Day. Today we are burying the last soldier from WW1. He was 110. Today Arlington Cemetery receives a veteran and we lose a patriot, something that we desperately need more of. I don't know the aforementioned Frank Buckles, but I wish him Godspeed and I wish his family grace a peace in this time of separation. He will be missed by you as a parent, grandparent, etc. But he will be truly missed by this country as one of the men that stood up against tyranny and injustice. A man that set aside his life to travel around the world to fight - just because the country felt it needed to as protection for our freedoms. A generation of Americans that believed in this country and put it before their lives( something that is missing today for the most part). Maybe some of our so called current statesmen could take a look at your sacrifices and step up to the plate and truly become statesmen. If it weren't for the true military guys and gals out there, we would have a minimal number of patriots around. Goodbye Frank, You and your generation will be missed.

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