Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Some people have more money than sense

If you are one of those ultracompetitive parents who thinks that the pre-school where your caterwauling brat wets himself every day, will determine his eligibility for Harvard.....be ashamed of yourself....be very ashamed!

From DailyMail -- A Manhattan mother is suing her four-year-old daughter's preschool amid claims it deprived the child of the edge needed to get into an elite elementary.

Nicole Imprescia, said she paid $19,000 in annual tuition fees to York Avenue Preschool and now wants it back, according to the lawsuit filed last week.

Would you expect anything less stupid from a woman named Imprescia?


  1. Makes me feel like I grew up in the Pleistocene. I considered several colleges, applied to one with a pretty good SAT and what would be considered pedestrian GPA nowadays, and got accepted, went and graduated (with some drama). No way I'd get in there now.

    And this was at the heart of the baby boom, with millions of us going the same route. What has happened?

  2. This sort of thing happens everywhere....even here in Birmingham. We have a few supposedly superior pre-schools and the rich couples think that if they get their bratty kid into the "school"(it's really a daycare), it'll guarantee the kid success in life.

    It's really about the moms being able to brag to their snobby friends over 3 martini lunches inbetween Pilates and the spa, that their kid got accepted into the best pre-school before they even conceived the brat.

    A fool and his money....am I right?

  3. Yeah, I guess I should have made the point explicitly that this is all about getting into the "right" university - even in pre-school. Insanity!

    Many, many teens would be vastly better served by learning a skilled trade. Those spots are in demand and getting more so. A useless degree in ethnic studies will get you a job at Starbucks.
