Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Obama's hypicrisy knows no bounds

Ask not at whom Obama laughs, for he laughs at you....

From Politico -- President Obama’s only event at the White House that isn’t closed to the press on Wednesday is a ceremony in which he’ll accept an award for being open to the press.

Here are examples of the transparency for which he'll gladly accept the award:
-fewer than 1 in 3 FOIA requests to the administration were answered and those that were took far longer to process.
-the Obama justice department aggressively prosecuted federal whistle-blowers who were exposing wrong-doing.
-Obama's aids meet with lobbyists daily, just outside Whitehouse grounds so they can keep the meetings off the appointment books and don't have to report them.

Of course the fawning, lapdog media will report the award ceremony as much deserved, despite the fact that Obama is more guarded and interacts with the press less than any President in my memory. If only we had a media that pretended to do it's job, things would be very different in America.

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