Thursday, March 17, 2011

Does the US have a Libyan responsibility?

With Qaddafi's military trouncing the rebels all over the country and about to deal the death blow to them, Arab nations all over the middle east as well as Great Britain and France are calling for a no-fly zone to be established over Libya. Obviously, they want the Americans to do it....everybody always wants the Americans to do their dirty work.

I would argue that we have no responsibility to get militarily involved in the Libyan civil war, if that's what it turns into. First, if it's such an emergency, why aren't France, England, and other Arab nations preventing the Libyan air force from bombing civilians? They all have state-of-the-art air craft and could easily intimidate pathetic Libyan pilots.

Second, the US cannot afford to expend valuable blood and treasure entangled in yet another middle-east misadventure. Let them sort it out for themselves.

Lastly, why should be rescue a country whose citizens cheered the triumphant repatriation of the Lockerbie bomber? It was only a short six months ago that they partied in the streets of Tripoli when the man responsible for 270 deaths tricked his way out of a British prison. They don't deserve our help.

If England and France are so upset about Qaddafi murdering thousands of his own citizens, for once, let them do the heavy lifting. They are right there, whereas we have to project force half way around the world.


  1. All the Arab nations are appropriately (if not heavily) armed to deal with this. I think they need a turn in the ring.

  2. David is right, the Saudis or Egyptians have the AF to handle this. They should be forced to, but with out leadership. The bad thing is that 3 weeks ago it would have worked - it may be too late now.

    That said, this is what the world looks like when the U.S. is AWOL. Iran and other dictators are taking notes. Allow protests and your regime falls. Slaughter them and you survive.

  3. Qaddafi killed a lot of Americans too.

  4. I'm with SE Cupp who was a guest on RedEye the other night. We should recommission the political assissination squads and take this guy out, then let the Libyan people sort out the power vacuum for themselves.

  5. Well, Ron R. of Blessed Memory came damn close.

  6. Was our last attempt at a head-of-state assissination, Castro? Surely we have some black on black ops going that we'll never know about at the spy-vs-spy level, right?

  7. Kennedy had Diem killed, or more accurately, knew in advance and appoved. There may have been Castro attempts after that.
