Thursday, March 17, 2011

Terrified Chinese make a run on iodized salt.....followed by run on bottled water

Wild rumors going around China have resulted in panic buying of iodized salt in the mistaken belief that the iodine will protect your thyroid gland from radiation damage. Even some Americans are under the same illusion.

The recommended dosage of iodine for radiation protection is 130milligrams. There are only 75micrograms of iodine in one gram of iodized table salt. That means that you'd have to eat 3.5 pounds of salt to get the correct protective dosage. Obviously this would kill you way before the radiation gave you a nice "glowing" tan.

Our benevolent, political overlords, if you believe them, have assured us that any radiation that reaches the US will be so dispersed as to approach background levels and iodine dosing isn't really necessary. You should package up your potassium iodine tablets and give them to the Red Cross so they can give them to the Japanese who actually need them.

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