Thursday, March 17, 2011

Government recalls pavement because of skinned knees

From Reuters -- Around 169,000 pogo sticks have been voluntarily recalled due to a risk of serious injury, the government said on Wednesday.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission said in a statement that 123 incidents involving the sticks have been reported to California-based Bravo Sports, including nine reports of injuries. Those included facial laceration and chipped and knocked out teeth.

How stupid! This his how human children learn to assess danger and risk, by getting hurt occasionally. If the nanny government removes all risk from life, how will generations of American kids ever learn to judge what they can and cannot do?

Here's a valuable life lesson that can only be learned the hard way.....


  1. Aren't they inherently dangerous by the nanny standard? Are they being banned? Is there supposed to be something particularly wrong with these?

  2. Based on the CPSC evaluation, the companies are voluntarily recalling some of them. The CPSC says they can cause neck and mouth injuries too easily because of the plastic and metal around the handles being too loose or something.

    They'll get around to banning them, just like my beloved lawn darts.

  3. Hey, we should outlaw pogo sticks they advance Darwin's theory.

  4. They certainly keep reconstructive dentists in business...heh heh.
