Monday, March 07, 2011

Common sense 1 - Union bosses 0


Unionized employees of Lockheed Martin at the Marietta, GA plant voted this weekend against going on strike against the plant.   The plant has been in operation since WW 2, when it produced Bell versions of Boeing's war-winning B-29.  Since then, over 2300 C-130's have been built, up to the -J version of today.  The last examples of the finest air supremacy fighter in the world, the F-22, is built there.  C-141's and C-5 were all built there and the C-5's are being modernized with new engines.

Amazingly, in a state with over 10% official unemployment, union bosses urged their member to GO ON STRIKE! 

Gratifyingly, the union member showed far more common sense, and voted to continue to work for good pay and benefits.


  1. Also, prior to this 3 different employee groups rejected unionization at Delta Airlines - even with newly rigged voting rules courtesy Obama.

  2. Strike? They have some of the lowest stress, highest-paying jobs on the planet. They ought to kiss management and thank them (everyday) for letting them work there.

    Alas, they are confronted with a spirit-crushing bureaucracy. If they want to strike, THAT would be a good reason.

  3. Well, I did once hear putting your hands in your pockets referred to as "Lockheed work gloves."
