Saturday, March 05, 2011

Liars and crooks, all of them!

Here's HHS Kathleen Sebelius trying to explain to a congressional subcommittee how the same $500million can be used for two different purposes....trying and failing....

The administration's own accountant is telling them they can't fund Obamacare by the same $500M that they also claim to use to fund Medicare, yet Sebilius did precisely that. Outright fraud is how Obama sold dumb Americans and media socialists on Obamacare. Fraud to the tune of half a trillion dollars.

By a show of hands, who here still doesn't think the Obama administration is staffed with liars, cheats, and scumbags? OK, that's one, two.....everybody! And there are still democrats and almost all the media who continue to shove America toward the cliff by advancing the Obamacare agenda despite these accounting shenanigans and lies.


  1. Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama. The puppets are interchangeable. The puppet masters remain the same.

  2. I think the Presidents aren't really in charge...they are the figure heads. The bankers, venture capitalists, and George Soros-types are really pulling the strings.

    It's possible that I could be convinced that there is a vast, shadow government, that transcends administration changes and is party-neutral, who really controls things from the darkness of anonymity.

  3. Sniff...sniff. Am I mistaken or is that the odor of irony I smell?

  4. @ Glen, ironic how? Sure, I generally disbelieve rumors of secretive conspiracies, but human nature being what it is, if there's not a shadow government, it's not for lack of men trying.

    And I don't believe there's an organized conspiracy now, just that if there were more evidence, I could easily believe it.

  5. Richard Hofstadter's ghostSun Mar 06, 05:24:00 PM CST

    Ed, you should know that the more evidence there is of no conspiracy is really proof of the dastardly nature of the conspiracy.

  6. You know, I'm less intersted in our own government's shadow conspiracy, and more interested in the British UFO document dump. You know there's some good stuff in there. I want to believe!

  7. The sardonic comment by Richard Hofstadter's ghost intimates that there is no evidence of any kind that wealthy and influential men use their wealth and influence to tilt the playing field in their favor.

    Can it be that in a world where merchants collude to fix prices, contractors conspire to rig bids, and high-ranking figures use private information to commit insider trading, national and international figures and organizations do not behave similarly?

  8. Right you are Glen. If there are no shadowy conspiracies which control us like the Matrix, it's not because plenty of people haven't tried to establish them. It's only because of Icarian ambition that they got stopped by the law, failure, or other competitors for power.

  9. +1 for the "they are all scumbags"!

  10. If it is true that no one has successfully turned the levers of power to their own ends, Ed, I am at a loss to explain the existence of the Federal Reserve Bank.

    It seems to me that if elected officials were acting in the best interests of the country, the U.S. would be printing its own interest-free money instead of borrowing from the Fed at interest.

  11. "We really have people that are sociopaths that are running, not only the United States, but much of the world." ~Gerald Celente

    (He ain't just talkin' about Obamacrats, either.)
