Monday, March 07, 2011

Hey Wisconsin teachers, your mom doesn't work here

In the aftermath of petulant, infant-like teachers in Wisconsin trashing their own state capital, the estimates for cleaning up behind them are coming in. According to one, the cost of repair for the damage done by the derelict squatters will be in the $7.5million range.

Personally I'm dubious of that number but they say the damage to the marble floor will be extremely costly to repair nevertheless.

By contrast, the estimates for cleaning up after tea-party activists, whose rally numbers dwarf those of Wisconsin teachers, is precisely $0. After all, progressive teachers believe every job is some one elses' responsibility, never their own. Tea-party people pick up after themselves, the way responsible adults are wont to do.

1 comment:

  1. As an educator myself, the circus going on in Wisconsin is ridiculous. As a government employee I know that my income is from the private sector. I cannot support salary and benefits that are so out of line with the private sector. We are in for a long rough ride and we are all in this together. Today it was announced that the Federal Government had the largest one month deficit in history, 233 billion. The Demos say they can cut 8 billion and the Rep. say they can stand 50 billion in cuts. Can anyone see what is wrong with these numbers?
