Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Swiss get exposed

I can't imagine this is going to make the famously private Swiss banking community happy....

From DailyMail -- WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has threatened to reveal confidential offshore bank accounts of hundreds of the rich and famous.
A former Swiss banker handed the whistle-blower two CDs reputedly containing details of up to 2,000 wealthy individuals and corporations, including 40 politicians and various celebrities.
The ‘high net worth’ individuals are from Britain, America, Germany, Austria, Asia and ‘all over’, according to Rudolf Elmer, who said he wants to expose mass tax evasion.

If there's anything the Swiss base their entire country on, it's privacy. Information like this getting out to the media will send a chill across the banking industry in that country and other banking havens such as Grand Cayman will stand to benefit greatly. It wouldn't surprise me if this guy Elmer were to mysteriously disappear at some point, just to send a message to any other snitches in positions of Swiss banking access.

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